Dream or Reality

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When I got home I found Lolita in bed covered in hickies and hand prints. I rolled my eyes and went to take a shower. When I came out she was gone. I blow dried my hair and pulled out a black leather skirt with lace stocking a black shirt and black boots. "can't you skip class today?" Lolita said laying on the stairs.

"Not everyone's as smart as you loli" i said curling my hair.

"What time are you coming back?" she asked

"Shouldn't you be at school?" I asked her passing her on the stairs.

"I have alcohol in my breathe." She said following me to the kitchen.

"Ill be home by 10 pm." I told her grabbing my bag and leaving. I heard her whimper a bit as I left. I felt bad...

Lolita's POV

It's been 2 hours since loyalty left I'm still sitting on the counter where she left me. "I have to pee." I said to myself getting up and going to the bathroom.

While I was in their I ran me a bath. maybe she'd like a bath when she gets home with chocolate. I'm sure she'd love to come home to a clean house too. let's see after my bath I can start with the living room, then move to the kitchen. by time I'm done with that It'll be time for me to got to work if I'm back by 5 that should give me time to work on the bathroom our room the guest room and I can clean her guitars and the piano. I should probably go to the store and get some candles, sweets and cleaning supplies.

I played with the bubbles for a little while longer before getting out of the tub. I heard a noise come from down stairs I rapped myself in a towel and quickly ran down. "loyalty your... who are you?" I asked the stranger standing in front of me."

"you must be her new play toy. I'm Erin her 'ex-boyfriend'" he said using air quoted.

"I'm her girlfriend not her toy. and if your looking for loyalty she left a few minutes ago she won't be back till late in the day." I told him.

"Where'd she go?" he asked.

" Ill tell her you stopped by to see her, bye bye now." I pushed him out the the door and locked it. now back to work oh wait I should get dressed first.

I ran upstairs and threw on one of loyalty's sweat jackets and her sweat pants with my purse. when I walked out the door two guys were Standing there getting ready to knock.

After a short pause of confusion the taller one with blue hair began to speak. "hey your loyalty's girlfriend right? I'm Alexander and this is blaze." he gestured to a red headed boy who looked next to him as if there was another person.

I looked also but there was no one there. "nice to meet you my names Lolita...umm if your looking for loyalty she just left for class."

"Oh okay thank you well she left her guitar at the party last night so here you go." blaze handed me the guitar in a black and white striped case.

"Hmmm I thought one was missing. thank you she won't be home till around 10. I was just about to go to the store and pick up some cleaning supplies." I said setting the guitar next to the door and closing it slowly locking it.

"Would you like some help?" Alexander asked

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah we'd rather not sit at home bored all day. besides it'd get done quicker."

"Hmm okay I was just about to go to the store and get some supplies why don't you guys come with me." I suggested.

4 hours later (at work)

Lolita's POV

By time I got to work I was exhausted. One of the girls got me an energy drink on their break to keep me awake. I worked at hooters. Sleazy I know but the pay was good. I worked there for 5 hours then went to joes crabs shack for 6. I might have to leave early so I can do the rest of the cleaning and find something to make for dinner.

I ran into a girl holding a tray of wings and drinks. it ended up spilling on me. I apologized other several time and helped her clean it up. I replaced the order and changed shirts before someone told me the bosses wanted to see me. he told me to take the day off to get my mind straightened out. I told him i'd work extra tomorrow to make up for today. I changed clothes and headed home to clean more.

Loyalty's POV

My classes went by slow as fuck but when they ended I went to hang out with some of friends to do karaoke.

"Hey don't you still go out with that hottie I met a while back." Joshua said.

"Her names loli" kisha said elbowing him.

"Yeah...hopefully she'll forgive me when I tell her about last night." i said sipping on a beer.

"Easy tiger you've got work in an hour." Ricky said joining us late.

"I haven't even had very much yet." I responded.

He pointed to the ten bottles that were moved to side. "then whose are those?"

Ricky was another one of my exs he was a pretty boy with a brain. we met at the beach. He was wearing a black veil bride muscle shirt so I became interested.

"Like I said I haven't even had that many yet. who's doing the next song?" I asked changing the subject.

"Any volunteers?" Kisha questioned

"Me,you,stage, now"Joshua said gesturing to kisha trying to act smooth.

I shook my head. Joshua had been wanting kisha since they first met 2 months ago.

"Sure." she said rolling her eyes playfully.

3 hours later

(At home)

Ricky dropped me off at home. I was wasted falling all over the place. something felt off though. Ricky laid me on the couch and got me some water. i rolled onto the floor and turned on the tv. He set the water on the coffee table. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the floor next me.

I sat in his lap pressing my body against his. He blushed hard. He held my waste to stop me. "what happened to hoping loli would forgive you?" He moved his hands.

"First off you aren't allowed to call her that. secondly she'll understand." I said hiccuping before kissing him.

"I told you not to drink so much and what do you do you get drunk." he said in between kisses I could hear the lust in his voice. "loyalty..."

"Yeah?" I said looking him in the eyes. He froze up as if forgetting what he was about to say.

"I should umm...get going." He said picking me up off of him.

I sighed and wobbled to the door opening it for him. I looked down in shame as he walked past me.

When he left I slid down the door. that's when I realized Lolita was missing and the house was clean there were rose pedals on the stairs and there was blood in the kitchen. Erin's blood. I bolted up the stares to find Lolita laying in bed with cuts all over her next to her was a note.

'Don't worry she's not dead just unconscious she'll be up and walking in no time.


I felt someone's arms wrap around me they were cold.and fangs gently caressed my neck...

'Ps: hope you don't mind I took a bite out of her. I'm surprised you haven't yet.'


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