Chapter Fifteen.

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I woke up wit a bright white light shining above me. I blinked a few times to get my eyes ag\djusted to the sudden light. When I could see I looked around the room. I was in the hospital part of SHIELD. My leg had a wrap around my thigh and I had an IV in my arm.

I looked around and saw that it was the same room i stayed in the last time i was here. The same plush chair was in the corner across from the door. The chair was ocupied by a sleeping Kelly. She had her phone clutched in her hand.

 There was a small plastic chair next to my left hand. I looked over and saw a sleeping Thor. He looked almost as bad as i felt. I had small cuts covering my legs and arms.

When I moved Thor shifted in his chair. He had cuts all over his face and arms. He was still in his suit. The cape was off and draped over the back of his chair. The metal part of his sleaves were missing too.

Everything hurt. My leg had a sering pain when I moved it. When the pain got worse the nurse silently came in. She had a small tray in her hands and it held a cup of water and a small cup. She moved to my right hand side and handed me the cup. It had pills in it. I took the pills and drank the cup of water. "I'll be back later to check on you." she whispered.

"Thank you." I tried to say but it didnt come out right.

"Dont talk. You were hurt pretty bad." the nurse said as she left the room. I took Thors hand in mine and closed my eyes. I thought back to when I was with my parents.

Flashback -when she was five-

"Mommy!" i yelled as myy mom walked in the house. She had been gone for over a week. She had work.

"Hi baby, how has my little girl been?" she asked while she dropped her bags. She came up to my and pulled me into her arms and swung me arround. I laughed while she planted a kiss on the top of my head.

"Why are you yelling?" my dad eexclaimed as he walked out of his room.

"Mommy's home!" i screamed. His face lit up as I ran around the house with a big smile on my face. I ran to my room and threw open the door. I ran to the small desk I had and pulled out a picture I painted for my mom. I ran back into the living room.

"Mommy, mommy, look at what i made for you." i said and crawled into her lap. I shoved the picture in her face. She laughed and took it.

"Wow baby thats awesome." she was looking at a picture of me, my mom and dad in a park. I made it in my kindergarten class. My mom put in a movie and we watched about half of it thats when I fell asleep.

end of flash back

I woke up again in the same room. Kelly wasnt in her seat and I looked around until the door opened. It revealed a face that I needed to calm me down. "Hey how are you feeling." Thor asked. He came back to his chair. He took my hand and kissed the nuckles. I had a few scratches there but it caused a blush to form.

"Better. What happened?" i asked. I couldnt remember how I got into the room.

"We flew out of Hydra, you had a gunshot wound in your leg, lost quite a bit of vlood." he informed my of my injury.

I gave a small laugh, "Why cannt I have a normal day?" I watched Thor 's face grow into a smile.

"Come on, lets go back to our room." He helped me up and into a sitting position. He slid my shoes on my feet and tied them for me. I know it sounds cliche but it made me blush. He looked up to see the blush on my face.

He smiled at me and held out his hand. I took it and hopped off the bed. I followed him out of the small room and down the hall, the oposite way from my room, "Umm, Thor? Where are we going?" i asked confused.

He didnt respond, just pulled me towards the elevator. He pressed a button but I couldnt see because he blocked my way. I leaned against the wall and waited for the doors to open. When they did I gasped.

There were candles everywhere, "Oh my..." i said. I was compleatly in awe of the view of the city below me. Thor moved to my side and wraped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him. e pressed something behind himm and music filled the air.

He kept one hand on my waist and moved the other to my hand. My other hand was resting on his shoulder, in a dancing position, "Oh, I cant dance." I said looking down at my shoes.

"Thats ok, I can." he said. He lifted me onto his shoes and had me standing on his feet. I looked up to him with a smile on my face. The music continued as Thor spun around the roof. I couldnt talk, just was mesmorized by everything happening.

I rested my head on his chest and felt his arms tighten around me in responce. I closed my eyes and let his dancing soothe me. The music died down and Thor pulled me over to a small circl of pillows and blankets. The sky was a beautiful orange and pink color that only added to the romance. He sat down and pulled my into his lap.

I was stairing at the sky, mesmorized my the beauty of it. Thir pulled me into him so his lips gently pressed against mine. I was stunned at first but then let my hands wind into his hair, bringing me closer to him.

He wrapped his arm around my lower back and pulled me closer. we sat that way, kissing, for a few minuites, until I needed to breathe. I pulled away and tried to sit on the blankets but Thors grip on my was to strong for me to get an inch away from him.

I looked into his amazing blue eyes and felt my heart pick up. I leaned my head against his chest and let my eyes close, listening to his heart. We sat in silence until he broke it, "I think I love you."

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