Chapter 1

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        Eddard Stark watched his sons play swords. The eldest, Robb Stark, was growing up to be a fine man. With his red Tully hair and broad grin. He was sure that he would be breaking hearts, if not already. Fighting him was his ward, or hostage if you can really call him that, Theon Greyjoy. He was a whore lover. You'll be able to find him with his favourite, Ros, nearly every night. He always had some type of smirk or playful grin on his face, confidence was evident.

        Even so, those two were not his aim of attention for in the sidelines was his other son. His bastard son. Jon Snow, with dark unruly hair and dark eyes. He was his son, even if he was not Catelyn's. 

       Jon Snow turned his head only to meet Lord Ned's eyes. Ned nodded at him as if to call him, and then walked off.

        Jon had seen something in his eyes. They were weary both with age and lack of sleep. He knew why.

        It all started a few months ago. It was the beginning of trading season; when traders and foreigners came to sell objects like seeds, wines, foods, jewels, and often times women. People were excited to see the new people and purchase what they need. Specially with winter coming soon. Farming would become impossible, so they would need to store food to last the long cold. Yet somehow, they never came. All with the exception of the traveling whore houses. And when they would be asked where they went they would simply reply "They left to the Just Kingdom." No one would ever answer when asked where such kingdom was, because no one ever knew the answer. Instead they would just shrug their shoulder and journey on.

         Six months later, the winter is approaching fast. People were scared and hoping for a miracle. And finally, it seemed, their prayers had been answered.

        Jon stood inside his father's chambers and waited patiently for his father to begin with whatever discussion he wanted to have with him. Ned Stark glanced up from his papers, and just as Jon thought he was going to begin, Robb walked in. 

        "Robb, Jon please sit." Although it sounded short of a request they both knew better and sat down. The violet bags hung from his bloodshot eyes signalled that he desperately needed sleep, that much was obvious. He was weary and worn down, these past weeks have been hard on them, specially him. Being the lord of the land had it's advantages but it also brought conflict with one's self. He needed a resolution, an answer to his problems on how to cope and be strong for his people, even if it meant to trully be torn down inside. 

         Yet somehow, his voice felt a bit airy and perpetually excited when he spoke the words that would change and tangle all of their fates with another, clearly speaking of a certain bastard.
        "We have found a savage."


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