Chapter Three - Wrists are not Plants

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        It had been a week since Becca had arrived in Afghanistan and gotten Rhodey's call. They hadn't stopped looking for him, but they hadn't found him either. In the lab, Rebecca's clouded mind slowed down their work. She would have to take an hour or longer break to get herself back together. If you went close enough to her room, where she ran off to, you could hear almost silent weeping.

        "Becca?" Juliet asked, knocking on her door.

        "Go away," she mumbled.

        Tate threw a pillow off of her bed, hitting the door with a thud. She was sick of everything, the Ten Rings, this "search" that was going nowhere, how everyone was trying to comfort her, and these stupid anxiety attacks that kept her away from her work. At first, it was just the fear of Tony being gone, but then her mind would think of all the other things that his absence would affect, her home, Stark Industries, T.H.E. One, and her life in general. No one else had been her friend for that long of a time except for Rhodey, but he wasn't normally around, he was working in the air force.

        "You know I just want to help you, right?"

        "And that's exactly why I want you to leave. I'm fine, really."

        "You expect me to believe that the girl who's been locking herself in her room every day is fine?"

        "Why are you asking so many questions?"

        "You just asked one right now."

        "Oh, shut up. If you're not gonna leave me alone, I'm going to have to let you in anyway."

        Hopping off her bed, she slowly made her way to the door and unlocked it. She had to jump out of the way to avoid getting killed as the door flew open.

        "That's better. Now I can actually talk to you."

        "Maybe I don't want to talk," Becca said, shutting the door, but not locking it.

        "You know, I remember a Becca that was sarcastic and outgoing."

        "You know, I remember a Juliet that was caring and minded her own business."

        "Fiesty as always, I see. Well, I came here to make sure you were okay and to talk, but it seems as though that's not gonna happen anytime soon. So, I'm going to leave you alone, but just know that we're waiting on you to go forward with the experiment. The genes just need to get separated and then inserted."

        "I'll come in maybe two hours. I want to get lunch and maybe call Pepper. She's been busy, but I have no doubt that she's not dealing with her own problems."

        Taking one last glance at Becca and her sad little room, Juliet finally left. Rebecca let out a sigh of relief and flung herself back onto her bed, picking up her phone. She didn't really want to call anybody, but she did say that she would call Pepper. Flipping open her LG Shine, Becca quickly typed in Miss Potts' phone number. She placed the phone beside her ear and waited for Pepper to pick up.

        One ring. Two rings. Three. Four. Five. No one picked up. Instead, a previously recorded voice of Pepper Potts played over the tiny speaker.

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