Chapter 1

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Wanda wasn't quite sure what to do. She had just run out of pads and tampons, she had no pain meds, and she was feeling incredibly hormonal. For a moment, she thought about going to Natasha for help, but she wasn't sure how comfortable the spy would be with her asking for period supplies. What she did know, however, was that Natasha seemed to always have enough despite never actually buying any. Her chocolate supply seemed very up to date as well.

Part of her wondered if Natasha could do some secret form of magic, but she figured that would sound even more stupid than asking if she could use some of Natasha's pads or tampons because she had run out. Before she could muster up her courage to talk to Natasha, a knock sounded at her door.

"Come in," she called.

As the door opened, she looked up to see Steve walk into her room. He paused in the doorway with a small frown and looked at her with concern.

"You seem upset."

Wanda felt like that was definitely an understatement. Thanks to her hormones, she felt like crying in frustration but was too tired to at the same time.

"What's wrong, Wanda?"

"Nothing," Wanda dismissed, not wanting to tell him she was on her period. That was the last thing she wanted the Captain to know. "Don't worry about it. I was actually just going to talk to Natasha, so if you're just here for that, I'm gonna—"

"Are you on your period?" Steve asked gently.

Wanda's eyes widened and she felt her cheeks heat up. Was it that obvious? Shit, now Steve was going to be all careful around her like the other guys were whenever they found out a girl was on her period.

"Not to offend you, of course," Steve said, still smiling softly at her. "You've seemed hormonal the past few days so I figured you would start soon. Nat gets the same way when on hers."

It was like he was talking about a past mission, but Wanda was too shocked to respond.

"If you need supplies, I can grab you some," Steve offered. She nodded awkwardly. "I'll be right back then."

Steve disappeared from her doorway, but Wanda didn't move. How was he so relaxed with all this? Weren't guys supposed to be weird and awkward when it came to periods? Maybe this was just a weird dream.

A few minutes after he'd disappeared, Steve reappeared with a basket that held pads, tampons and a few chocolate bars. He set it all on her bed and smiled warmly.

"I wasn't sure what kind of chocolate you prefer," Steve told her, motioning towards the seven different bars. "I grabbed Belgian and Swiss since Nat likes those. The Brazilian and spicy pepper are my favourite. The other three I thought you might enjoy, too. Is that good?"

Wanda was still surprised. Steve just stored all this for Natasha when she had her period? Why?

After a moment, she nodded. "It's perfect."

Steve grinned like a kid on Christmas and Wanda couldn't help but smile back too.

"Why do you just keep this for Natasha? She won't be mad I'm taking it, will she?"

Steve shook his head.

"No, she'll be happy I finally figured out your cycle," Steve said. Wanda frowned in confusion. He must have realised how weird it sounded, so he explained, "I keep it for both of you, but Natasha's the only one that ever comes to me for it. She's been pestering me about sharing it with you and I told her I didn't know when you had your period. Next time, just come find me."

"Okay," Wanda replied, "Thank you."

Steve smiled and nodded before walking out of her room and shutting the door behind him. The door had hardly shut when Wanda grabbed a box of tampons and rushed into her bathroom. Once she had changed out of her stained underwear, she grabbed the Swiss and Brazilian chocolate bars before heading to Natasha's room. She needed someone else to explain what exactly had just happened. But first, she wanted to thank whoever had invented Swiss chocolate.

Steve "Mom Friend" Rogers: A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now