Death Vengeance Prologue

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             “Leave me alone,” I whispered my voice barely audible.

             His laughter increased in volume. “Being reduced to a cowered is amusing, don’t you agree?” 

            “Please,” I begged.

             He advanced towards me, the sound of his footsteps etching themselves into my mind. “Begging won’t get you out of anything, little mouse; only death will release you. Beg for that.”

             “No!” An awful sob wrenched from my throat.

             “Yes.” He placed the blade of his sword against my throat. “Beg for it, Rhiannon, and I shall grant your request. I promise you a fast, painless death.”

             The words cut deep into my core.

            Numbed by my fright, I did not hear the resonance of movement from behind me.

             “Release her!”

             The soldier paused in his assault as I reveled in the familiar voice. The soldier took this time to press his blade against my neck. I hissed in pain as the sharp metal pierced my skin.

             “Do you want her to die?” The soldier snarled, sending a murderous scowl my savior’s way. “If not, I would suggest dropping your sword.”

            I did not have to see the vile grin on my captor’s face to know it was there, or the cunning glint in his dark eyes. I curved my head to see the man risk a step forward in a feeble attempt to save my life. My heart constricted, hope sparkling in my eyes.

             Encased in the shadows, holding sword in a stance I knew (he was about to through his blade), I saw my life-long friend, Vallon.

            “Do it,” I call to Vallon before the soldier roughly grabs me, pressing me against his hard chest.

             I turned and gazed back at my captor with fury and recognition. He had killed my parents; he was trying to kill me, and I had sworn to myself I would avenge their deaths. Now was my chance. Vaguely, I recalled Vallon reminding me I was a strong, brave warrior. I swore I could hear my parents whispering in my ear, telling me that now was my chance, and not to give up. Their words gave me strength.

             “Big mistake,” I admonished, smiling slyly.

             Almost as though I was being controlled, I reached up with my free hand; the act was so foreign to me that I was stunned to find myself doing it. I jerked the sword out of his grasp, gripping it in my raw hands. He reached for me with an infuriated expression on his face.

             I dropped into a crouch and pushed hard across the smooth granite floor. I was jumping up from my new position behind my captor as Vallon lunged and planted his foot in the soldier’s chest, knocking him off his feet.

             The solder stood again with a shocked expression, as though surprised a girl of my size could best him. Vallon made a move as if to protect me, but I held up my hand to halt his pursuit. “My fight,” I told him, my smile fading.

             Before I could comprehend it, I lunged for the soldier, blade elevated. Just as I was about to begin my assault, Vallon reached for the sword and wretched it from my hands.

             “Wait,” he snapped at me, eyes flashing. “We need him.”

             A shaky sigh tumbled from my lips, and my knees buckled beneath me. I collapsed into Vallon’s waiting arms.

             “Hold on, Princess”, he said gently, and then called out to his comrades, who were gaping at us in awe. “Get him tied up!” he ordered.

             I was limp in his arms as he pressed me to his chest. My head was congested, and my muddled thoughts fused together.

             “I’m sorry,” Vallon whispered.

             The darkness closed over my eyes. I didn’t resist.

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