Circle Casting (needed for all spells)

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Hello little witches! This one isnt really a spell more than a necessity for witchcraft. You will need to cast a circle before doing any spells to make sure you keep the good energy in and the bad energy out.

Its not that hard to do, all you need is music,  which is optional. I use it tho. It makes focusing much easier. And I mean meditation music, not rap or country or that kind of music.

What you want to do is make sure you have everything needed for the spell with you, walking away to get thing will brake the circle. You want to sit or stand, depending on the spell instructions. Play your music if you have it. Now close your eyes and imagine a dome of white light surrounding you and your spell objects. Imagine it getting brighter and keeping the bad energies far away, and making sure that the space inside the dome is pure with good energy. Open your eyes and begin your spell.

You wont be able to see the circle I dont think. Depends on the witch. But thats all there is to it. Remember to do this before every spell. Be safe and have fun!

~☆Cursed Seeker☆~

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