"At least somebody cares! " I shouted throwing my arms in the air. "Bella ran off!"

"Ran off? Where?" Tristan puzzled.

"She's was drunk... we had an argument and she left. I... I tried to ring her about 2 minutes later to apologize, she didn't answer.... I thought she'd be safe... I guess I thought she'd just walk straight back into my house.. but she hasn't." I mumbled, teary eyed.

"You shouldn't of let her leave." Brad muttered quietly.

"Stop being an arsehole Brad!" Tristan groaned pacing the room quickly.

"Where's your 'girl' Brad? Liv? We need her. She's Bella's best friend, she knows her better than all of us so.. where is she? Or did she get pissed off at your shitty mood too?" I spat, getting more and more frustrated.

"Fuck off alright!" Brad stood up and stormed to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

"What the...." Tristan sunk into the couch and put his head in his hands.

"How could this even..."

"This is a nightmare, this can't be real, this doesn't happen to us." I sat next to him.

"Everyone has secrets, I guess Brad was swore to secrecy by Liv, shes probably with Bella right now."

"You can't know anyone well then..." A whisper came from the hallway.


"I'm here,... and I have news."


"What what?" I jumped up and ran to Connor.

"I found Bella." He said, though his eyes were cold and he was emotionless.

"Are you serious? Well where is she?" I burst out, agitated.

"Was anyone aware of Livs situation? Brad?" Connor muttered, changing the subject, and squeezing his fists.

"Connor! Just tell me if Bella's OK."

"She came to my house after you'd had a fight, shes been with me for hours."

"You dick!" I shouted in Connors face, running up to him before stopping myself. "you knew where she was and didn't tell me!"

"She didn't tell me you had fallen out. We just sat watching TV when the phone rings and it's the police.." Connor said coldly walking away from me.

"What the... police?" I scratched my head, this is too confusing.

A quiet thud came from the bathroom followed by a groan.

"Yeah the police. That's where Bella is right now.. at the station."

I felt sick, a up was forming in my throat. Had Bella been arrested?

"Shes there because SOMEBODY didn't bail out their 'girlfriend' and now shes hurt in her cell and the police had to ring her second closest friend.... Bella." Connor shouted towards the toilet door, where Brad still was.

"Come again? Who's in prison?" Tristan asked scratching his head.


"No..." i stuttered, this had to be a joke.

"Yes and did you know Brad knew this whole time that she had been arrested... he refused to bail her out. And now shes done this to herself.." Connor blurted out, tears forming in his eyes.

The bathroom door unlocked and a dark eyed Brad came out, shuffling towards us.

"Connor.... what did she do to herself?" Brad whispered looking down.

"Don't tell me, i don't want to know." Tristan huffed, grabbing his jacket and heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

I hated Brad for leaving Liv there alone but I realised I'd also fallen out with my girl tonight and hadn't handled it very well either so i didn't want Tristan doing something stupid as well.

He didn't even turn around as i questioned him, he just shouted back.

"Where aren't i going."



"So shes ok now though right?" I asked the officer frantically.

"Yes, she'll be fine. We are sending her to hospital to double check but she should be discharged soon. However she will also be transferred to MPSS... so unfortunately, you wont be able to see her again tonight."

Wait id heard of MPSS before... but where from?

Oh my god..

"BUT MPSS IS A MENTAL ASYLUM!" i screamed at the calm policeman.

A woman looked at me and shook her head disapovingly.

I wasnt suprised, to be honest I'd be doing the same, i know i looked a sight.

The mascara running down my face and my Juicy tracksuit didnt give off a good vibe.

"We prefer the term mentally challenged hospital. No shouting in the station please."

"Well I'm sorry but how can I stay quiet when you're throwing my best friend into a 'mentally challenged hospital'!" I screamed.

A young blonde woman who looked like a bitchy secretary walked towards us with a pouty smirk on her face.

"Your 'friend' isn't stable. She stood on her cell bed and screamed her head off, shouting for Bad or something." She looked at me and smiled daringly.

"It's Brad." I glared back. "She wanted Brad."

"Who's Brad?" The male officer chimed in.

"It doesn't matter who he is. She seemed in a drastically unstable state, then she.. she tried to.." The woman stopped and I knew why.

"You don't have to say it.." I whispered.

Sometimes to forget the dark things that cloud your mind you have to dream it away..

But no matter how hard I screwed my eyes shut I couldn't stop the shit that lay in front of me.


I'm sorry this is so crappy :( xxx and it's probably boring but I tried!

If it's confusing just ask about it and I'll explain hehe sorry xxx

So I've missed you guys and I hope your not mad at me xx

This chapter is a shoutout to my best friend @livfoleyxox who recently lost someone special unexpectedly.

Hope your ok babe! Xxx 😚 I'm here

Thanks to you all and let me know anything you want me to change!

Becca xxx

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