Chapter Two

18 2 2

(Autumn 2017)

Dear readers,

Am I under the influence of alcohol or am I love? It is probably more likely the first option but you never know. The girl in the bar has not left my min since that night. You remember the one I am talking about? She had wavy, brown hair that cascaded down her body. I swear to god that her brown eyes were the same colour as melted chocolate (obviously milk chocolate!). She spoke with the cutest Italian accent that was like music to my ears. I could just listen to her speak all day. Or at least the version of me that had a lifetimes supply of alcohol pumping through her veins (a big cheer for the drinking age being only 18 in the UK).

It has been a couple of weeks since we saw one another and I am starting to wonder if this is all in my head. Surely I can't have this many feelings over somebody I have met once in an English pub and where there was far too much alcohol involved than they should be. And yet when we were leaving the pub on that night, I was the one who told her to stop (I know you pervs want more details but you're not getting them). Maybe the fact that I'm feeling this much for her is freaking me out.

Anyway, I gave her a call the other door and we are planning on meeting up for another drink. This time in a café though so hopefully I'll stay sober. Wow I sound like an alcoholic. I'm not. Please believe me. Back to what I was saying, we're meeting up again and I don't know if this is a date or if we are just friends. Can you just be friends when you've only met once and ended that one experience with your lips attached to one another? I really don't know. Hopefully the next time I write to you guys I'll a better understanding.

I know you wanted to read more about my adventured in England but I just needed to rant about this. Thank you for understanding and if you didn't like it then no one is forcing you to be here.

Love Cassie xx

Reading through the notifications on my phone, I make my way to the café that Karla and I agreed to meet at. The streets are crowded which isn't surprising considering that it's a Saturday and coming up for midday. The tubes were quite quiet though which surprises me. I end up getting to Covent Garden half an hour earlier than what I expected but it gives me the chance to have a look around.

The first thing I notice is how quaint the area seems to be compared to other parts of the city. There is bunting all around the streets making me wonder if I have missed a celebration or whether this is a normal occurrence. Cute, little benches are dotted around the area with flower arch's surrounding them, making them the perfect opportunity for tourist photos.

Moving towards the centre of the hub are a lot of little stalls ranging from candy, or as they call them over here sweets, to hats and scarves. There are people all around browsing, seeing if there is anything worth getting. I find a stall that sells cookies and buy a couple to have later on when I get home.

There are even more shops inside the main building ranging from different designer shops to cafes and wine shops. Fighting my way through the crowds, I make my way towards the café that Karla and I agreed to meet at, the Sweeties Café. Immediately I can tell which one it is going to be because of the delicately dressed white chairs and matching tables on the on the outside which have homely looking cushions attached to them.

The inside looks exactly how I imagine it to. There are signs on the wall with messages on them such as 'life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain' and 'friends are the best accessories you can have'. Decorative hearts hang from the walls in shades of pink and red along with accompanying cupcakes. On the counter there are a range of what look to be homemade cakes and biscuits which look mouth-watering with the icing dripping down the sides.

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