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I followed that girl whose name turned out to be Monica. She had been running around this alien base for over a year now. Sabotaging all their equipment whenever she got the chance. She was computer savvy before what she calls the Containment, which is the day when these aliens came to earth, but now she incredibly talented at using and destroying their computers. They were advanced beyond anything I had ever thought humans could accomplish in my life time. On our trip to her hideaway I had seen several of their 'workstations' and just looking at the holographic screen blew me away. Her I had thought such things like those wouldn't be around for at least another century. Monica had familiarized herself with them almost as soon as she was capable of escaping capture. Now she ran around with a makeshift visor that alerted her whenever a new person was hooked up to the Enforcer program or when they became aware of her location.

I could assume there were other things she had programmed it to do, but she kept most of those things to herself. It was almost as if she didn't trust me, which I thought bizarre since she did after all help free me. However, I found myself feeling quite the outcast once we arrived at her 'home' somewhere beneath was sounded like a barracks. There were several others there and all of them seemed rather unhappy to see me there. I didn't understand. If we were all human shouldn't trust among us have been important. One of the others maybe saw the disappointment on my face as we arrived and approached me, "I'm Jayden, you must be Devon."

The man was tall and muscular. He had a strange gun strapped to his back and wore a machine on his arm similar to the one on Monica's head. He seemed to be the only one not to afraid of me, but I could tell there was something he was thinking along with the rest of them. I reached out my hand to shake his, but found myself standing there for a few moments before I retracted my hand. Jayden nodded, "I'm sorry Devon, but you are from a generation of the Enforcer program that we don't understand yet. You could be dangerous to us and its a risk they can't afford."

They couldn't afford? Was I some sort of virus among them. A ticking time bomb that they would have killed? I took a deep breath, "So, what about you? Am I a risk you can afford?

He laughed quietly to himself, "I'm not so much worried about you because if you are dangerous to us I will just kill you. I don't mean to be harsh Devon, but this is really all there is of human resistance. Numbers is everything in this game and you cant add to the total without a test first."

I looked to Monica who was standing over a makeshift table working on something. The rest of their group, I would say about seven others not including Monica and Jayden, seemed to follow my every movement. At first I had thought Jayden was going to be the nice one to help me ease in with them all, but the truth was he was the bruiser who would just shoot me. If everything that I had been through was true  then why would they treat me like this. I was just like them according to Monica. I was starting to grow anxious just standing there as they watched me. I took a step closer to where Monica was, but Jayden quickly placed a hand in front of my chest and shook his head. I met his gaze with a raised eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

Before he could answer Monica turned around, "Jayden is a bit of a defensive guy. He doesn't much care for people over stepping their boundaries. Everyone here has earned their place... except for you Devon. That's why you are going to go out there on your own and prove to us that you belong among us."

Monica tossed something in my direction as she finished talking, I just barely caught it. It looked like a wrist band of some sort with a screen and a few tiny buttons alongside. As I slid it onto my wrist I felt a sharp prick on my skin as if the band had pierced my skin. I quickly slid it off only to see a small drop of blood fall to the ground, "The hell is this thing? Why did it take my blood?"

Monica laughed, "Its a locator and in order for it to work probably it registers itself to your signature. Do I need to explain it further?"

I understood the concept enough and shook my head as I slipped it back on. I hazy suddenly and my vision began to blur. I could hear Monica saying something to me, "You're missing something Devon. This isn't right. You need to go back and start over. This isn't how things happen here."

Before I could say anything Jayden was standing in front of me, blood dripping from his mouth. His eyes were gone and crude shiv was in his hand. I attempted to step backwards before my vision failed me, but it was too late. Jayden shoved the shiv straight into my throat. I reached up to where blood was now gushing from my body, screaming in agony. I felt my body hit the floor and slowly everything around me began to fade only the gurgling screams escaping from me were left.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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