Quietly Giving (A My Little Pony fan fiction) part 1

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok, so i decided to make my own episodes of My Little Pony. I am going to use same characters and still going to have a moral to each story. I stink at writing, so these fake episodes might be bad, but hopefully will get better as i grow acustom to making them. Thanks for your time and patience and please enjoy this little piece of my episode of My Little Pony. 


     “Sweetie Belle, be a dear and get my some more of that purple fabric I am using to make this dazzling saddle bag.” Rarity called to her eager, young sister.

“Coming right up, sis!”  Sweetie replied as she bounded over to Rarity.

“Thank you dearie.” Rarity said as she turned back to her work. Rarity had Twilights birthday party tomorrow afternoon and wanted to make her friends present perfect. “Her old saddle bad had so many tears.” Rarity thought in disgust. The lay out for Twilights bag was simple, shimmering, purple cloth with her cutie mark made out of jewels on the center of each side. Inside, she was planning on putting a few new books to add to Twilights bountiful collection. She double checked the birthday girls library that she ran, making sure she didn’t already have the books rarity had picked out.

    The next afternoon rolled around rather quickly, but Rarity had finished and was pleased with her work. As she decided what to wear to the party, (must look fashionable, naturally) she hummed a lullaby she had heard once, when she was a young filly. She decided to wear a dark blue, sparkly cape that brought out her eyes, and white ballet flats, that flattered her hooves. She made her mane curlier than usual and headed out the door, Twilights gift wrapped in beautiful paper                              ----------------------------

“SURPRISE!” Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy cried at once as Twilight walked into ‘Sweet Apple Acres’ barn where the party was being held. 

“Let’s get this Party started!!!” hollered Pinkie as the initial shock of the party slipped off Twilights face, fading into a huge smile. Pinkie Pie waltzed over to the dance floor and danced to the beat like nobody’s business.

 “You guys shouldn’t have” twilight said quietly to her surrounding friends.

“And why not, missy?” asked Apple Jack with a grin “You are only like, our bestest friend!”

“Aww guys, this is so nice.” Answered Twilight, grinning.

“Let’s eat cake” Rainbow dash chimed in, swooping low over every ponies head.  

“I’m in!”

 “Me too!”

 “Me three!”

Soon, everyone was clambering around the cake, getting high on sugar. Before they knew it, the only thing left was to open presents. They gathered around twilight anxiously, making her feel quite uncomfortable.

 “You guys didn’t need to get me anything.” Twilight told the group, but they could tell she was excited.

“Open mine first, I think you’ll like it.” Apple jack said, pointing to a package to Twilights left.

“well, she’ll like mine better by 20%!” Rainbow Dash retorted to Apple Jack.

 Apple jack just rolled her eyes. Twilight picked up Apple’s package and opened it carefully. Inside was an Apple Family cookbook and a box of individually wrapped apple fritters, made by none other than Granny Smith.

 “OhMyPrincessCelestia!” Twilight yelped in delight. Granny Smiths apple fritters were her Favorite.

“Aw shucks Twilight” Apple Jack said, looking down her hooves.

 As twilight opened each present, Rarity sat in the corner, watching anxiously, but not saying anything. Her present was opened last and she held her breath as the first corners of the paper was torn. Twilight ripped it out of the package and immediately got this ecstatic look on her face.


“It was nothing, really. I am glad you like it.” A warm feeling spread through Rarity. “I wish I could make people feel like this all the time” She thought.

As last goodbyes and thank-yous were exchanged, everyone felt the same thing, happy, and full, and content. They headed home for a goodnight sleep after their excitement today. That is, everyone but Rarity. She was still wondering about how to be generous all the time. “I need an excuse to give people things” she said to herself. She went to bed still trying to hatch up a plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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Quietly Giving (A My Little Pony fan fiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now