Family Killing Spree

Start from the beginning

Jack Baker:

Kaden and Mason are now beating up a teenage bully who's insulting them as Kaden takes out a knife and slash the leg down hard as the bully screams with pain.

"Don't insult me or my brother you big jerk!" Kaden said

Mason plunged scalpel to the stomach as the teenage boy coughed up blood as Kaden went for the eyes and plunge the knife into the eyes. Blood coated on their bodies as Mason stabbed the scalpel and pull out the heart.

"Eww!" Kaden said

Mason dropped the still beating heart as Kaden stomped it with his foot. Jack applauded and came over and is very proud of the boys doing his first killing spree.

Damien Thorn:

Mikayla is now outside as she is about to go to a church as she begin to be brave and go inside as plenty of people are praying as Mikayla looks at them.

"Young lady, please leave. We are praying at the hands of god." The priest said

"Well God can't save you. No one can." Mikayla said

Just as the priest was about to throw holy water, Mikayla used her demonic powers to summon black vicious dogs as they all attacked the priest at will as the people screamed with fear as Mikayla made many of them get dragged down to the deepest parts of hell, get aneurysm and even jump off the church buildings. She then snapped her fingers as the church got set on fire in a snap as she got out as Damien applauded.

"Lord Satan, let Mikayla be worshipped under your name." Damien said

"Hail grandpa." Mikayla giggled


Tony is now hunting with Pennywise to find a victim as he saw a mean kid bullying a defenseless child. Pennywise begin to nod as Tony looks at the bully.

"Hello there." Tony giggled

The bully turns around and notice Tony holding three balloons as Tony turned into the kid's worst fear as the bully screamed and tried to run but Tony grabbed him fast and the bully whimpered.

"You'll float too." Tony said

Tony opened his mouth showing his sharp teeth and bite the neck down hard, tearing it in half as Pennywise feel very proud of his son.

Horny The Clown:

Horny is now at the fast food place as Donna got on a cute mask just like Horny's as she got a meat cleaver in hand in pink. She is in the ball pit as two mean kids who are high on marijuana as she carefully rose up and makes a cute giggle.

"Did someone say pork.." Donna giggled

The two kids noticed as Donna throws her little meat cleaver into the second kid's stomach as he coughed up blood as the first boy is afraid of her.

"L-Leave me alone.. don't hurt me!" The boy whimpered

"Hurt you? Oh no I'm not going to do that." Donna said

Donna pulled out the meat cleaver as guts came out as she makes a giggle.

"I'm just going to bash your brains in. Time for me to bash them right the heck in!" Donna said

Donna use the tip of the meat cleaver to butcher him into pieces as she is finish as Horny came over and notice the bloodbath and sniffles with happy tears.

"That's my girl!" Horny smiled


Tyler is now with his dad as Bughuul brought him a mean adult who's abusing a helpless little kid as Tyler looks at the man with hatred.

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