"I could just forget this little adventure of yours," He said as he stroked his finger along her cheek.

Her body shook in fear. Why was she like this?

Vincent narrowed the gap between them with one step. His eyes lusted for her gaze, which she desperately tried to avoid. With the finger he had used to stroke her cheek, he now grazed down her arm sending shivers down her spine.

"St...op," She muttered.

He didn't. He continued, but with this other arm. She wanted to kick him, scream at him, or even hit him with her fist, and curse at her frozen body. Her vulnerability was getting out of control. She felt a strong grip on her arm, sending her heart into a manic beat. Something was going to happen if she didn't do something. Given that her body refused to listen, she clenched her eyes shut.

The moment she felt Vincent's warm breath on her neck, she didn't wish for Ren to save her. Didn't scream out for her deadbeat father, or the guards. Her mind screamed out for Wonho. She wasn't sure why but didn't care. He was at least someone who would help her. Or so she hoped. Her body began moving with her will and she placed her hands on Vincent's chest and tried to pull away. She opened her mouth to scream but soon found Vincent falling to the ground.

Wonho stood beside her, with a dark look in his eyes. He wore a pair of black ripped jeans, black boots, and a black leather jacket over his bare chest. Ji-Yeon had never felt more relieved to see him. Her heart skipped a beat as he placed his arm in front of her and pushed her back. He stood blocking Vincent from her.

"Damn it," Vincent said as he rubbed his cheek.

"Don't touch her," Wonho snapped.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you called dibs on the outsider," Vincent barked, "It's not like I wasn't giving her what she wanted."

His words made her sick to her stomach. As if she would ever allow him to touch her like that. Wrapping her arms around her chest, she looked to the ground.

"She didn't want that," Wonho said, "Especially from you."

"And you think she'll want that from you. HA," Vincent cackled.

Ji-Yeon watched Wonho rushed toward Vincent. She had never seen him like that and, if she was honest with herself, she hoped she never would. He landed a fist on Vincent's cheek knocking him off balance. Wonho was quick with every fist he threw, almost like he had fought before. As Ji-Yeon watched the two fight, she felt an urge to stop them. But a fear of getting hit by them stopped her.

They tussled on the ground, Wonho sat on top of Vincent and landed a few hits. Vincent would catch Wonho off guard, and he would end up sitting on top of him and landed a couple of hits before Wonho kicked him off. They were almost evenly matched. Each would land a hit and block another. Watching them fight was like watching a couple dance. They fed off each other. That was until Vincent opened his mouth again.

"You know, she asked for it. Begged me for it,"

Wonho felt like something inside of him snapped. Vincent's words echoed in his ear, as he lunged toward him. His fists hit hard and fast against Vincent's body. And with every hit, Wonho could see Vincent's face growing smugger like he intended for this to happen.


Just then, Kane and Alex rushed toward them. Kane clung to Wonho, hoping to slow him down, while Alex drug Vincent away from them. Kane struggled with Wonho's pure strength and shouted for help. Alex tried his best to help. However, Wonho simply tossed them to the side.

"WONHO, STOP," Ji-Yeon yelled as she rushed to his side.

She placed her hands on his chest hoping to get him to stop. His body felt hot against her touch and trembled with adrenaline. She looked up to him in an attempt to catch his gaze.

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