Chapter 2

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Bucky's POV

  When I ran down the stairs and saw James like that all I could think about was about what Hydra did to me, not wanting anyone to go through that like I did. I was knocked out of my thoughts by Julia asking what do we tell Steve. "Julia listen to me, everything is going to be fine." She nodded, even if that wasn't true I just needed her to calm down.

  When we got to the lap Bruce was working with Tony on something, no telling what with those two."Guys, we need help, and fast!" Julia yelled over them blabbering on about something. Bruce looked over and saw James, " Give him to me," I handed James as carefully as I could to Bruce." A few fractured bones in his hand and some bruises nothing major, he'll live. But his wrist will probly have a scar from the burn," Bruce said taking off his glasses.

  "He'll need rest so no training for a few days, got it James?" James nodded. "I'll take him to his room and you can go talk to Widow and Capcicle about Jr. over here," Tony offered. I nodded, however telling Widow and Steve was going to be the hard part. "Come on Julia let's go tell everyone about...the incident.," I didn't  want to saw accident, because it was clear this was no accident.

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