"All of you shut and look that way!" Peter said pointing his finger towards the sky.

Sirius was already looking that way. But when James and Remus looked the way, they saw a flying figure in the middle of the sky.

"It's not a bird." Remus said narrowing his eyes to see who it is.

"No, it's not a bird; neither he's just a random guy. He's Harry Potter, the weirdest boy we've met at Hogwarts." Peter said narrowing his eyes as well.

They saw him flying in the Quidditch pitch in slow circles. They could see from this far also that he was not even paying any attention to his movements or his broom. Suddenly he shot up high in the sky on his broom. After sometime the Marauders couldn't even see him.

"Where is he?" James asked searching the sky frantically.

Right after he uttered the sentence, they saw Harry coming down in a high speed towards the ground.

"He's doing the Wronski Feint!" Sirius said excited. The Marauders looked in awe as he swept upwards just before his broom touched the ground with the least effort. It was as if he was natural in the air. They watched as he did many other stunts in the air with vivid perfection of a professional but was more awe inspiring than anything they have seen before.

"He's amazing. I've never seen something like this before." Sirius exclaimed with a dumbfounded expression. The others could only nod dumbly.

After sometimes Harry descended from his broom. The Marauders got up from where they were sitting and went to the edge of the astronomy tower to watch him. They saw Harry looking at every direction as if to check if anyone were there and then changed to the beautiful eagle they have grown so fond of. Olympian, as the Marauders called it spread its wings and flew towards the Black Lake. From the astronomy tower they could see him circling the usual spot the Marauders sat. When he couldn't find them he changed back and went towards the castle with his head bowed slightly. The Marauders watched everything with complete silence until they were not able to see Harry anymore.

"I don't know about you all, but I've grown rather fond of him. Slytherin or not," Remus' voice broke through the intense silence that had fallen over them.

The others looked at him for some moment and nodded their silent agreement. They couldn't help but like this boy. He was someone they have never met before.

Lucius kept staring at Harry as he sat in the corner of the common room with his head resting on his arms. He has seen that the boy always seems to be thinking one thing or the other. But whenever asked he declines everything. Lucius was getting desperate to know what's up with him. He has grown much attached to the boy over the summer. Lucius suddenly got up and sat down beside Harry. Harry slowly lifted his head and looked at him with a blank stare. But Lucius was not fooled; he could see the immense pain that were hidden quite efficiently in those green eyes.

"Lucius, do you believe in the cause of the death eaters?" Harry asked suddenly. Lucius was startled by the odd question. He frowned a bit.

"Yeah, I mean it will be a good thing if all the muggle-born witches and wizards are evicted from the wizarding world. They tend to break our long, old traditions. It's not fair." Lucius said slowly and cautiously checking for Harry's reaction as he spoke.

"Is total extinction of them any solution to that problem? After their eviction can you ensure that they will not be born again? So, every time they are born you will go to their house and kill them? Will that not be a bit inconvenient as it will cause more threats for the exposure of our world? What if there remains a muggle that you not obliviate unknowingly? Will that not create some bigger problems as you know muggles also have weapons of their own kind that are highly dangerous and we are much lesser in count with comparison to muggles?" Harry asked slowly in one breath maintaining the eye contact. Lucius stared at him with wide eyes. His mind whirling with the questions asked to him. He couldn't find the answers to them.

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