Being jolted consecutively made Song Wuyou dizzy and confused, losing her bearing for a moment. "You..." She glared angrily at Gu Yanhao and was to rain blame on him when a large silhouette loomed over her.

Before she could show her fierce infuriated face, fright filled her eyes as she was caught unprepared by how close their faces were, "Gu Yanhao, what are you doing?"

"What did you say just now?" Gu Yanhao's low voice questioned; there was a dangerous glint in his unfathomable obsidian eyes.

His hot breath blew onto her face, making her feel the difference in temperature.

Song Wuyou swallowed the lump in her throat, and said once more, "I said, could there be a problem with that liquor?"

Eyes narrowed dangerously and his gaze turned sharp like it could pierce through Song Wuyou.

There was a tinge of pink blush on her cheeks. Song Wuyou's eyes appeared so spirited and sparkled which made Gu Yanhao suddenly felt, at this moment, she was extremely enticing.

No, it should be seductive.

Chapter 52: This Kind of Pain, He Will Bear It

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Chapter 52: This Kind of Pain, He Will Bear It

When this seed of thought sprouted in Gu Yanhao's mind, the parchedness in his throat became more urgent. His body heat shot through the car roof at once.

His gaze scorching hot gaze gave rise to goose bumps all over Song Wuyou's nape.

Carefully leaning back her body flat against the car's door, she tried to put some distance away from him even though she knew very well that she was already trapped between him and the seat. There was nowhere to run.

Her escape attempt succeeded in challenging the burning passion inside Gu Yanhao.

Desire elevated, making him feel increasingly restless. His eyes stared at Song Wuyou's ruddy red lips like a prey. On top of it all, the mild fragrant emitted from Song Wuyou's body enticed him to the brink of insanity.

"You drive!" Gu Yanhao forced himself back, trying his best to suppress the burning passion coiling like a tight spring around his navel.

His physical reaction screamed one truth he was drugged!

Wrong, it was Song Wuyou that was supposed to get drugged, but he just had to dive head first, bottoming up the glass of liquor in one gulp.

And now, this kind of pain, he was the one to bear it.

"I... I..." Song Wuyou stuttered. She stared blankly at the steering wheel.

It struck her at this very moment that she only knew how to ride a horse, but not how to drive a car...

"Drive!" his thinned patience was about to snap, and Gu Yanhao ended up yelling at Song Wuyou. He turned around to look the other way in hope of a distraction.

Evil-Natured Husband, Don't TeaseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum