24. missiom with DP

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You woke up to deadpool sitting on your stomach.

"Get off" you groaned trying to push him away.

"Tony wants you to come with me today to do something" deadpool smiled at you.

"Fine, just get the fuck off!" you growled. He did, you got up and left with him trailing behind. You snapped and your armor was on. Your wings spread and you got ready to fly out the door.

"Wait! I cant fly!" wade whined. You growled lowly and tucked your wings back in.

"Fine. I know how to drive, lets take the motorcycle" you said the wade stoped you.

"Nope taxi. Its just better for me come" he said then pulled you out of the HQ and to the streets. He called a taxi and you both got in. Him in the front and you in the back. You played with the window while they talked in the front. "Right here!" wade yelled. You two were on the middle of the highways. You both got out and the Taxi drove off.

"Wade were in the fuck are we?" you asked then looked down. Wade jumped over the side and sat on top of the railings. You sat next to him and swung you legs over. You smelt the air and felt the wind on your face. Wade was drawing and he put on some music on his tape.

"Oh shit! My amo bag is back at the base fuck! How many rounds do I have, 10. Fucking great" wade growled. "I worked some magic with 12 but 10? I wasted like 4 with 12. I cant waste shit with this" he growled.

"Calm down wade. Now, who are the shit heads were going to waste?" you asked looking down. Three black cars were driving down the highway.

"There they are. Lets go kick some bad guys asses" wade smirks under his mask. He mumbled something but you didnt now what then he stepped off the edge.

"Deadpool!" you yelled surprised but dipped down twords him. He landed in one of the cars so you swooped into a different car.

You fought the guys in the back then when the were dead you sliced the front guys throat and then looked to the side to see one of the other cars that was on there side start to shot and you growled. You dipped in the back and snapped a granted and through it at them, they exploded behind you and the car flung for wards. You of course knocked out the driver afterwords and hit the gas then the breaks. It flung for words and flipped on its side. Then a nother car hit to the you were in the same way. You popped up then so did deadpool. Shots were fired. You both ducked down. You climbed on the side of the car and it flipped upside down. You crawled to wade and shake the broken glass of yourself and sat next to him.

"Ok! You might be thinking why the red suit? Well thats so you shit head cant see me bleed. That guys got the right idea, he wore his brown pants" wade said cockily then shots started to fire again.

"Wade you cocky mother fucker" you growled. "Heres the plan. While I distract them I want you to kill them with some head shots. There seems to be about only a few so you should have enough amo" you said.

He nod in agreement. You jumped out from behind the car. Everyone shot at you. You smirked. You kicked the car, singling that there distracted. Wade comes out on the other side and shots at them. Ducking behind a different car when you lose there interest. You go to the card 'front' and kicked it back gaining the others attention. Wade finished them off but one. You ran twords him but he drove on his motor cycle. You flipped and spread your wings flying after him. You riped one of your claws on your wings off and threw it at the front wheel. He flew for words off his bike. You landed near him and grabbed him by his throat picking him up and threw his helmet off...and there he was, blond haired brown eyed male. He was...kind of cute. Blood covered his face from the impact and he had blood seeping from his eye. Next thing you know he shifts into Loki.

"Loki?" you asked.

"Shape shifter" he growled then claws grew from his hands and he sliced your chest sticking his hand through your chest. You gaged on your blood slightly but swallowed it back.

"Goddess" you growled then your hand shifted into silver and you cut its head off with your silver hand. You breathed out and healed yourself and then terned to see two X-Men. The big silver one was throwing up and the teenage girl was talking to wade. You walk over and picked the throwing up mans arm. He was pure metal. You then went to the teenager and Wade and looked her up and down.

"Who is this?" she asks.

"This is Y/N" wade smiles under his mask.

"You have a sid-" wade covers her mouth.

"She will tear you apart. Just this once were working together" wade said.

"Who are you?" you asked.

"Nega-sonic teenage warhead" she said.

"What the hell!? Thats the most awesome superhero name ever!" you said.

"Heh" she said slightly. "How annoying his he?" she asked.

"Very" you said.

"You still like me dont ya'?" he asks.

"I never liked you. Also, we should probably go before I kill something Im not suppose to" you said.

"What?" he asks.

"You" you smirked then it went away.

"Im not a something" he says.

"Sure" you said then your wings spread. "Have fun getting home" you smirked then flew off. "Hes going to kill me" you laughed out. When you got home you went into your room immediately then locked the door and the windows with your powers, then you smelt something familiar and very sweet~...

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