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This chapter is all in Ross's POV, the next chapter will be in Zoeys about when she wakes up.


Ross's POV

I walked back over to the store after getting my phone. I walked in and didn't see Zoey anywhere. I checked the dressing rooms, aisles and nothing. I walked up to the lady at the counter and asked her.

"Excuse me, do you know where that girl went that walked in here about 10 minutes ago?" I asked nicely.

"A couple of girls watched in 10 minutes ago, what does she look like?" she asked.

"Black long hair, blue eyes and tall" I said.

"Oh. She went into the dressing rooms and came back out with a boy" she explained.

"A boy?" I asked.

"Yeah. He was tall and wore all black." she said.

My eyes widened.

"Thank you" I said whiling rushing over to the dressing rooms again.

I looked around all of them. The last stall I found a piece of paper. I picked it up and it said 'I got her, now give me my money'. I looked even closer, I swear this looks exactly like Rocky's handwriting.... what am I talking about, there's no way Rocky took her. I shrugged it off and walked out of the store, then the mall.

When I got to the car I just sat there and tried to think of places she can be.

I started the car and drove to my parents house. Honestly I don't know why, but this whole Rocky's handwriting thing is weird.

When I pulled up, I sat in my car for a few minutes. What if I can't find her? What if they kill her?

I shook the thought out of my head and walked up to the house. Do I knock or just walk in?

I was about to knock but Rydel opened the door.

"Rossy!!!" she screamed jumping on me.

"Woah, hey Delly" I said hugging her back.

"Guys!! Ross is here!!!" she screamed.

We walked into the house and everyone came running down the stairs.

They all gave me a big hug. I looked at them and someone was missing.

"Mom, where's Rocky?" I asked after everyone got tired of hugging me and went there own ways.

"Oh, he said he was going to the mall" she said.

My eyes widened. It can't be.

"Okay thanks mom, but I have to go now, I have a lot of stuff to take of but when I'm done I'll be back okay?" I asked.

"Okay baby, be safe." she said hugging me.

I started to walk out the door when she yelled.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!!"

I laughed and got back in the car.

First the handwriting and now he was at the mall? I need to see what he's up to.

I pulled out my phone and called him.



Hey Rocky, I just wanted to know where you are?

I'm with some guys from school. why?

No reason. what did you do earlier today?

I went to the m- water park.

That's funny because mom just said you went to the mall.

Oh... I did that to.. look Ross I got to go bye!!

~ending phone call~

He's up to something, I know it.

I went back up to the house. I knew mom and dad had phone trackers in their phones, so I'll just sneak moms phone and see where he is.

"Back so soon?" my mom asked as I walked back into the kitchen.

"Nope I wanted to ask you. Did you know that Rocky went to the water park?" I asked.

She looked confused

"No I didn't" she said and her phone went off.

"Mom, me and the boys went to the water park by the way and I'm sleeping over Cameron's house" she read out loud.

He's good.

"Babe, can you come here!!" I heard my dad yell.

"Coming" she said going up the stairs. I walked over to the counter and looked at her phone. it says Rockys all the way across town. Why the hell is he all the way over there and Cameron lives 10 minutes away? I put her phone back down and ran out the door.

I drove to Cameron's house to see if Rock was there. I got out the car and knocked on his door.

"Hey Ross, what's up?" he asked.

"Is Rocky here?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"No... I haven't seen him all day" he said.

"Okay thanks, later" I said going back to the car.

Why did he lie? Where is he?

I started the car and started to drive across town.

I don't know what he's doing but Im about to find out.

I feel like tonight's gonna be full of surprises....


I know it's short and I'm sorry. Do you think Rocky took her?;)


My Stalker||{Ross Lynch}Where stories live. Discover now