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Jughead was readying himself for the 'Gauntlet' at his trailer. Toni and Kai knocked on his door, ready to explain the event to Jughead, in a way.

Toni played with the hem of her shirt, "Jughead, we uh, came to warn you I guess." She muttered nervously.

"If you're having any second thoughts, now would be the time to back out," Kai stated bluntly earning a slap on the arm from Toni. Jughead eyed the two girls confused. "It's only because the next trial is on a whole different level." Toni explained.

He stepped forward once, "The 'Gauntlet' you mean?" He raised a brow, "If it's anything like the Beast I think I'll be fine, It's whatever." He brushed the warning off.

Toni sighed, "No Jughead it's not 'whatever'."

Kai tried crossing her arms over her chest as she leant on the wall, keyword 'tried'. Fucking cast.

"You join us you gotta be willing to die for us." Toni moved closer to Jughead, "Because we will for you."

Kai stood up all the way and moved beside Toni "And your Northside friends? your girlfriend? You're going to look up one day and they're all going to be gone." She warned, "Because that's what happens when you join a gang, the Serpents are no exception."

She continued, "We are a family, for most of us, it's our only family. We are willing to do anything for each other." Kai shifted her weight from foot to foot, "And I meant anything."

Jughead took a step back, "Consider me warned. Thank you, Toni and Kai."

Without another word Toni and Kai left Jughead's trailer. "I'll meet you at the bar." Toni informed.

Kai nodded a little weary, "Are you okay?"

Toni hesitated before nodding and leaving, probably to her own trailer.


The next morning wasn't the most ideal one ever. A slight hangover and waking up early did not go great together, the light might as well have killed Kai. She groaned hearing an engine outside, quickly she tied her shoe laces and ran out the door.

Sweet Pea smirked, "You in a rush princess." He chirped sarcastically. Kai rolled her eyes and sat behind him, awkwardly leaving her bad arm handing down at her side and her left arm wrapped around his waist.

He was just bringing her to his trailer where a couple other Serpents were then walking to Jughead's trailer.

Thankfully it wasn't a long wait once they got there. Before Kai had notice they were walking towards the to-be full serpent's trailer. To their surprise, there was a certain red headed boy already there and talking to Jughead.

"What the hell is going on?" Sweet Pea growled alerting the pair that they had arrived.

"Just leave him, alright." Jughead told Sweet Pea, walking towards him.

"You're friends with these thugs?" Archie spat.

Jughead sighed and turned towards Archie, "It's not what you think."

The redhead eyed Jughead wearily, "Are you joining the Serpents."

Kai scoffed, doing her best not to march up there and punch Archie in the face, "What do you think dip shit." I muttered.

Fangs coughed lightly trying to cover up his laughter a couple others laughed quietly under their breath, "If he survives." Sweet Pea answered.

"And go ahead and call us thugs one more time." Kai hissed taking a step towards Archie. Jughead out his arm, stopping her.

"Jughead, these are the guys who attacked me." Archie urged trying to convince Jughead, "Who attacked Reggie, and Veronica and Dilton. Your friends."

Jughead glared at his 'friend', "Wait, is that why you're here? To warn me" he snapped.

"No." Archie replied tried to save himself, "I came here to tell you to stay away from Betty. She doesn't want to see you anymore."

Okay so not trying to save himself, noted. The Serpents looked at each other unsure on what to do to stop this friendship quarrel.

"Screw you, I just saw Betty yesterday...she was fine." It seemed Jughead was trying to convince himself more than Archie

"No dude, she's been wanting to breakup with you for weeks." Damn that's one way to make a wound, "She's been agonizing over it."

And that's how you add the salt and become a complete douche bag. "Ever since you crossed over the dark side, she couldn't being herself to do it."

Kai rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Come on what is this Star Wars?" Which again caused Fangs and the others to have to stifle their laughter.

"So she sent you?" Jughead hissed, "Betty would never do that."

Archie shook his head, "If you don't believe me call her." Archie stated, "And feel free to tell her you're a Serpent now too, I bet she'll love that."

Kai glared even harder, clenching her good hand into a fist.

"She saw where you were headed Jughead, we all did and she knows you can't be with them and with her." Jughead shook his head still probably not believing any of what Archie was rambling on about, "Come on man, you know it too."

Jughead looked down letting everything set in. After a moment he looked back up, "Tell Betty I got the message." The redhead muttered a small yeah before making his way through the Serpents and to the Northside.

Jughead turned, "What? Did you enjoy the show." He shouted.

Sweet Pea smirked, "The show hasn't even started yet."


Night approached quickly, with it the time of 'The Gauntlet'. Jughead stood at the beginning of a path, on each side stood the same amount of Serpents. Toni and Kai stood at the end of it, holding the Jacket Jughead would receive if he made it through.

Jughead started making his way down the path getting punched by each of the Serpents, the second to last once elbowed him on the back sending him to his knees in front of Sweet Pea momentarily.

He got up shakily, with a bleeding head and a bruised face Jughead looked up, "Is that all you got?"

Sweet Pea gripped his brass knuckles and swung landing a solid blow right on the side of Jughead's face. It knocked him down, in her head Kai will admit she was hoping for him to get back up.

Slowly, he pulled himself up blood flowed from his mouth. He stood swaying slightly, Sweet Pea held out his hand.

Kai smirked as everyone cheered when he took it. Toni handed him his jacket and he studied it. Kqi pulled him in for a hug, "Told you that you could do it Jug." She whispered in his ear.

He grinned as much as his swollen face would let him, "Yes, yes you did."


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