Christmas Eve

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Rachel's P.O.V

It's now Christmas Eve which means tomorrow is... Christmas Day.

I wake up and I get out of bed still in my night wear I go to Quinn's room and knock on.

Quinn: come in

I enter the room to see her sat up on the bed putting her make up on already dressed

Rachel: I was wondering if you wanted to do something today?

Quinn: sure like what?

Rachel: well every year my grandparents come round to stay till Boxing Day so they come round on Christmas Eve during the day and we all go out shopping and get matching pyjamas and then we have like at night a feast family time where we go downstairs and play games.

Ok I get way too excited for Christmas Eve but it's possible one of my favourite days with Christmas Day obviously.

Quinn: that's sound amazing, we never really did anything like that

Rachel: well now you do, I'm going to just get ready now

Quinn: ok

I close the door and walk back into my room smiling, I change into a black disco pants and a red gingerbread man jumper over a white blouse with a collar over the jumper, I put on some socks and I put my hair in a bun so the wind doesn't mess it up, I apply some make up and a necklace and bracelet and I head downstairs in the kitchen to see my dad and Quinn sat in the kitchen eating breakfast.

Rachel: morning

Will: hey kiddo

Rachel: did you both sleep well?

Quinn: I slept amazingly thank you so much for what you're doing for me

Will: Quinn we're more than happy to let you stay

I get a plate out the cupboard and place my warm pop tarts on the plate and head to the table where they are sitting.

Suddenly the front door opens

"Only us"

I jump out of my seat and run to the door

Rachel: grandma, grandpa

Mrs Schuester : Rachel dear

I hug them tightly as dad comes through also hugging them after I lead them into the kitchen dads already told them about Quinn.

Rachel: Grandma, Grandpa this is my great friend Quinn she's staying here

Mrs Schuester: please to meet you dear

Quinn: you too Mrs Schuester

Mrs Schuester: dear call us Joe and Anne

Quinn: please to meet you both

Grandma hugs Quinn and so does Grandpa

Anne: so how far along are you

Quinn: nearly 4 months

Anne: that's amazing I remember when Rachel was born most magical thing ever

Quinn: apparently it doesn't feel so magical

Anne: don't be fooled by what others say dear others have different scales on pain, why don't you try some classes that should help closer to the time

Quinn: I never really thought about that

Will: right are we going shopping or talking about things that sound really gross

Anne: men

I put on my slightly wedged heel ankle boots and grab my Parka jackets that comes up to my waist and grab my bag as Quinn does the same.

Joe: okay let's go

We all pile into my grandparents car as it's bigger and Grandpa drives us to the main town. When he parks we all get out and start walking around looking in various shops we picks up some snacks like pretzels and my favourite cupcakes from a cake shop. We walk around some stalls too which look really cute with Christmas lights hanging on them.

I pick Quinn a few secret things for tomorrow because I know she won't have anything of her family so we've all brought her a few bits without her knowing.

My grandparents love Quinn grandma is constantly talking to her about all sorts of pregnancy things like tips and stuff and it makes me smile that my grandparents are easily accepting Quinn.

When we're about to leave me and Quinn walk up to a stall that does pancakes/crepes and I order me and her a crepe with Nutella, marshmallows and bananas in they are amazing, we walk back to the car eating them, Quinn looks like she's having a great time.

We get home around 3 from just doing a bit more food shopping grandma says we need a bit more too cook tomorrow and today, when we get home I go upstairs and I wrap presents.

I brought for dad, Quinn, grandma, grandpa, Santana and Noah because I love them all and are the people who stick by me I also brought for Kurt and Blaine but I dropped them round the other day.

Quinn: hey we're all getting changed now

Rachel: okay

She hands me some pyjamas and leaves and we change into the pyjamas, the girls got all the same pyjamas plus slippers and so did the guys, I change and I head downstairs putting the presents under the tree and Quinn comes down dressed in the same pyjamas as me and grandma.

Will: let's take the annual photo

Quinn: annual photo

Rachel: we take a photo every year and every year we hold a photo frame of the previous year and so on and so on

Anne:I've got the photo

Dad sets up the camera as we all position ourselves in the same position as we always do, I drag Quinn into the photo next to me as we all smile and the camera takes a few photos.

Will: the best one yet I think

Joe: definitely

Quinn: it's so weird being apart of traditions

Joe: that's what the Schuesters are all about sweetheart... Traditions and now you're apart of that.

Anne: let's start the night

Rachel: ok I got monopoly for easy, game of life, a deal or no deal game, scrabble or snakes and ladders

Will: let's start easy with snakes and ladders

We start playing board games and eating and having a few drinks non alcoholic for us obviously but something about tonight is so much fun, everyone is having fun and the time of their lives especially Quinn and that makes me happy that she's getting along happily with us all despite what happened only 24 hours ago.

Rachel: I won

I finally won at the game of life, dad keeps winning at all the others which totally sucks but we're having such a great time.

Rachel: I'm going to bake some cookies and make some hot chocolates for everyone, do you want to help Quinn?

Quinn: sure

And that's how the night goes Quinn and I make some gingerbread men shaped in Christmas shapes and we make some hot chocolates as we spend more quality family time.

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