Chapter 4

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I wake up early in the morning. 7 AM. my alarm from my phone is chirping in my ear. As lux as the Yamamoto residence is, the guest house is still only equipped with a lumpy bed that folds out from the couch. I can't complain too much though, it's free after all. the morning sun shines through the windows of the tiny house. Overall, it's about 500 sq feet in the form of what is roughly 50ft x 10ft. There is a small gap between the edge of the bed and the black hardwood stand that the large TV sits on. There's a small open space that acts as a sort of entry way for the house. on the right end of the room, carpet is replaced by  tile and a small pseudo-kitchen  as well as a bathroom are in this area. The kitchen has nothing more than a fridge, as well as a coffee maker and a microwave.

After I stand up and stretch my legs, I fold the bed back into the couch and replace the cushions. The humid Japanese air is killer. although I had showered the night before,  I find myself needing to shower again in the morning to deal with the sweat and grime that's built up on my skin. The day is still young so  I dry off and slip into some extra gym clothes I had packed just in case. I grab my headphones and open my door.

The second I swing my door open, Hinata stands in front with a shocked expression on her face. She's already dressed for the day as well, a horizontal black-and-white striped top with jean shorts. She's cradling Harry Potter in one arm and the other is raised up as if ready to knock on my door. Seeing her suddenly gives me a shock and I jump back slightly, placing my hand over my heart as I gasp. "Hannah! God, that scared the shit out of me!" as I finish my sentence, I start to laugh slightly. I'm not sure she really knew what I said, but my reaction didn't need any particular language to get the point across.

"Mr. Harms! I'm so sorry!" She cries to me in Japanese. she rushes in to make sure I'm okay. My hand is still placed over my heart and I gently rub over it.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just Michael is fine. We're not in class right now, and besides," I start getting ready for my jog again by popping one of my earbuds in "We're close to the same age. Being called Mister is weird." I speak to her in Japanese to try to be clear.

She scans me up and down and asks "Are you going running, Michael-san?"

"Yes I am. and no 'san,' just Michael. Did you wanna join?"  I offer to her

"Well I'm pretty slow and I..."

"Just come with." I say to her. I wonder how often she gets out of the house. I wonder how often it's even allowed. perhaps if it's my idea, and I'm responsible, she can finally live a little. I know the world can be restricting for these idols. "C'mon. We'll be back before anyone knows. Your parents are already at work, right?"

"Yes, they're at work..." she sits and thinks about it for a while until finally deciding, and replying in english "Okay, lets go!"

"wait," I stop her as she walks out to get dressed. "English only while we're gone."  I say. she nods and continues into her house. I wait outside for about 5 minutes while she changes. she re-emerges from the house with a pink athletic tank and black shorts. her hair is in a ponytail and her bangs are down in front. It's the hair shes known for. The hair I saw her wearing almost exclusively when googling her and LADYMETAL. 

I keep one earbud in with my music playing and ask "ready?" she nods and smiles and we start jogging. The morning air is cool and much friendly to running that the afternoon heat. We keep a steady pace, and although she claimed to be slow, she keeps up with me well the whole time. we jog towards the city along the maze of quiet back roads that lead to her neighborhood, but along the way she calls my attention.  I look to my back and she gestures to a pedestrian path that leads away, perpendicular to the road. I follow her down it in curiosity of where it leads. We jaunt down the path that's lined with trees, it feels like we're all alone. Separated from the world. The trees show their beauty as they blow in the wind with shard of sun piercing through the greenery. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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