3:28pm (Waxing Crescent Moon)

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*me on my bed as I'm writing this* NO LEMONS. NO LEMONS! STOP. DONT TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT! >:(

(Three days later)

Aiden was suspended from school for a week all because of that stupid fight. And since Stella was a girl and she pleaded with the principal for a chance, she was given a light warning.

Which pissed Aiden off tremendously. "He favoured her because she's a girl AND she begged so much." Aiden scowled, folding his arms as he laid on the couch at Jesse's house.

Jesse was sitting on a light grey rug, and eating popcorn. "Yeah, it sucks but at least you don't have to go to school."

Aiden sighed, sitting up and propping himself up with one arm. "What makes you think I don't want to go to school anyway?" his tone meant he was serious. Jesse silenced the television and looked up at Aiden.

"You always looked broody." Jesse said, eating a piece of popcorn. "Broody? Someone's been reading the dictionary." Aiden smirked. He scooted to the left of the couch, allowing Jesse to sit next to him.

They haven't announced that they were dating, but it was pretty obvious. Jesse didn't know how or why, but he just... liked Aiden at lot more now. Jesse liked it when Aiden held his hand, and drew circles on his palm, like he was currently doing.

Lukas and Petra knew though. And the three of them would stay up all night just teasing each other.

Lukas and Petra were official. And Jesse didn't even know... until he had accidentally found the two of them kissing under a tree in the yard. Truthfully, he was happy for them. Really. He was glad that Lukas was able to move on.

Which reminded him...

Jesse glanced at a brown leather notebook, which was sitting on the coffee table in front of Aiden and himself. It was Lukas's. Since the blonde and the brunette were looking for a cure.

"I want to know every single detail of the werewolves! Like, everything!" and he had accidentally knocked over a bowl of fruit when the blonde waved his hands excitedly.

And... Jesse looked at Aiden, who was closing his eyes. He still didn't know if Aiden was the brown and gold werewolf.

There was so many things he had to find out... and so little time.

"Aiden?" Jesse whispered softly. "Hmm?" he didn't open his eyes.

Jesse stared at the television in front of them. "Are we... officially dating?"

Aiden opened an eye. His lime green eye. Now that Aiden had told Jesse about his contact lenses, Jesse told Aiden that the green eyes suited him more. (And it also reminded him of the brown wolf) So Aiden didn't wear the lenses anymore.

"Of course we are... I've spent this long with you and.." Aiden smiled gently. "I'm really happy. For the first time in my life."

Jesse blushed. He didn't expect an answer like that from Aiden... Jesse turned to talk more to his boyfriend. And was surprised to find that Aiden was kissing him. On the lips.

Jesse closed his eyes and kissed him back. It was slow and comforting and Jesse could feel his face heating up. He inhaled sharply when Aiden ran a hand down his spine, pulling him closer after they had taken their first breath. He could feel Aiden's heart beating against his chest as they continued to kiss.

Finally, they pulled away, immediately relaxing against each other. There was a long pause as they stared at each other. "I... I cant believe... we just did that." Aiden muttered, breaking the silence, his hand still wrapped around Jesse's numb fingers. "Uh huh.." Jesse was still in shock.

"I cant believe I just kissed a boy."

"Uh huh.."

"I kissed a boy."


Aiden started to smile, and the smile turned into a laughter. "I can't.."

After a good fifteen minutes, Jesse finally snapped out of his thoughts. "I can actually believe that. Books describe it so.. differently." Jesse ran a thumb over his own lips.

Aiden looked at him, a small smile on his face, his eyes full of happy tears. "Thanks Jesse... for everything."

"I've never been so happy all my life... and I'd be willing to do anything for you."

Jesse raised an eyebrow. "Slow your roll, buddy. We're not married."

Aiden smirked but didn't say anything. Jesse wondered where did he get his confidence from. Aiden used to be a shy and timid boy, always getting bullied. But now... ever since Jesse began dating him. He's changed so much. And Jesse was happy for him.

"I should probably go home now.." Aiden said, standing up from the couch. Jesse stood up as well, following Aiden to the front door. "Bye. Stay safe and don't wander. Okay?" Jesse smiled gently.

Aiden looked at Jesse with his lime eyes again. "I will."

Jesse tipped Aiden's chin up a little and kissed him gently. "Bye."

Aiden blushed and waved goodbye.

Jesse waited until Aiden disappeared down the road and headed home. But now... Jesse looked at his hands.

Just now, when he was kissing Aiden goodbye... Jesse had touched the other boy's neck. And felt scars. And he could remember.

Jesse could remember the night he had almost attacked Lukas. And he could remember that he had fought the brown wolf... a bit it's neck.

"Why are you standing there for?" Jesse flinched and saw Lukas and Petra enter the house from the back door. Petra was holding a bag of cornflakes and Lukas was holding a book. As per normal.

"Your boyfriend came over again?" Petra teased him. Jesse rolled his eyes. "As a matter of fact, he did. And it's official." Jesse smiled widely as Lukas cheered loudly.


Petra smacked his arm. "You're being too loud." she said with a smirk, gently touching her left ear.

"So now that Aiden boy and I have something in common. We're both dating werewolves." Lukas snickered as Petra rolled her eyes.

"Ha ha. Now help me unpack."

Jesse smiled... just happy to be with his friends.

But Jesse knew the threat wasn't over yet..


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