Chapter 6

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I stare inside my apartment from the doorway. Glass broken. Furniture on its side. Alcohol bottles everywhere and the one and only curled up in a ball, my father. Marcus Gene Keller. The one who said he was here on business. The one who found my apartment. The one who I just now realized was only here to fuck me over, again. 

Let me tell ya'll a little bit about my father. When I was younger he was always gone, doing who knows what and doing who knows who. My mother had to take care of me and my sister (who like I said went fecking crazy). He was barely home and he was abusive. Even when he was sober he would beat us like no tomorrow. Before he left for good, he raped, yes he raped his own wife and out popped my little brother. Mason was the strongest of all of us. He was always smiling, he was always there to cheer Minka and I up. To this day, he has always been the real man of the house, more of a man than my father could ever be. Don't get me wrong, my stepdad is a light in my life but he wasn't there until I was 10. 

Anyway, here I am, staring at my fucked up father who's staring at me with pleading eyes and after years of never knowing what to say to him, it finally comes to me. 

"Thank you." I look him dead in the eyes which change entirely after my words. He can't seem to find the words to respond but I notice Kyle in the corner of my eyes staring at me. I look at him and notice his dark brown eyes start to shimmer with tears. Being my best friend for so long, he knows how hard that was for me. I look back at my father, who still seems to be lost. "Thank you dad for showing me how a man shouldn't treat me. For showing me what a true coward looks like. For showing me how to be strong without a man. No, I really don't need your assistance anymore by the way, I'm good now. Now get out of my sight before I call the police and make you leave." 

He looks at me, begging but I won't be convinced or moved. My mind is made up. I watch him struggle to stand then leave. I know he'll be back or this just wouldn't be a drama now would it? 

A couple of hours later, there's some type of team to help me get my apartment straightened up. I don't have everything but at least it looks livable again. As Kyle and I sit on my couch, we don't say a word, knowing that I've said it all. I hear my phone beep and look down. Twitter. Some random account mentioned me. I open the app and see that they still have the egg profile picture. I read the tweet

"@ MariSorry I know who leaked the list" 

From beside me, I hear Kyle "Oh. My. God." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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