"Yes, she is," he agreed, but a smirk started to form on his lips, "though, not in the way that you think." The kelremm raised one of her eyebrows, and she stood up straighter. During her insults, she hadn't noticed that the crying in the background had ceased. "Today, she'll lose one of her friends, and I'll be part of the reason."

"Oh? So, you think that you can frighten me since that weak woman moved her location?" she questioned, a smirk on her own lips. "Well, guess again. I can't be scared so easily. I'll be able to hear her coming towards me, and if she attacks, this sword will end your life in one swipe."

"Are you so sure about that? You're far too arrogant. Not only have you allowed her to slip by, but you also haven't noticed the other two intruders in this room. Looks like you're actually a terrible spy." His brown eyes glanced over to Tarhuinn and her. (F/n) froze for a moment before Tarhuinn mentioned for her to keep going. She nodded, but her heart started to beat faster.

Fear began to consume her as she watched the spy look over to them. Her dark blue eyes widened before a large grin dominated her lips. "Well, would you look at that. Master Alpontus will be so pleased with me that I brought him the inquiring kelremm and his wife." The sword's tip stayed pointed at the man's neck, but her attention was mostly on them now. "That's who you both are, right? You both fit the descriptions that have been delivered by word of mouth." She didn't wait for them to answer. "My, my, I can't wait to see what Master Alpontus has in store for you two."

Her grip on the sword lessened as she took a couple of steps their way. Tarhuinn didn't pay her any mind, though. Instead, he kept urging (f/n) to keep moving. (F/n) did notice that he had his right hand over a sheathed dagger, though. If she were to come too close, he would attack, and (f/n) prepared herself to grab the dagger from her boot as well. Hopefully, she would be able to push aside her fright if it came to her fighting the kelremm.

"Ignoring me?" she asked before she shook her head in the direction of Tarhuinn. "How rude." Her eyes turned to meet (f/n)'s own orbs. The grin on her face widened. "You seem quite terrified. You shouldn't have walked into my masters' home. You're just making this too easy, but I do have a question for you. Do..."

Dropping from her hand, the sound of the metal of the sword hitting the stone floor rang throughout the area. Red decorated the kelremm's blue lips, and a trail ran down her chin. Drops fell to the floor while her blue, short-sleeved shirt became stained with the color. Her eyes peered down to the metal in her chest, and her hands reached up to the weapon. Before they could reach, she fell forward and collided with the ground.

Motionless, the second sword, from the weapons' pile, rested in her back. Standing above the kelremm's fallen form, the woman stared down at her. Her intertwined fingers were clutched to her chest. She shook her head some before she directed her gaze to Tarhuinn and (f/n).

Both of them were continuing on their way down, and they weren't letting their guard falter. Those two humans could decide to attack either of them. They hadn't helped them with the female kelremm, and they might be rather angered about that. For the moment, it was a silent exchange of stares between the four of them, and the two humans made no indication of leaving the area. Rather, they started to walk towards Tarhuinn and (f/n).

Tarhuinn's hand moved closer to the dagger while (f/n)'s heart continued to beat faster than usual, but the pace had slowed down some from before. She believed that she could take out at least one of them if they tried to attack, but she went over the dagger grips in her head. Scenarios began to form, and she played through each one while they continued to head downwards.

Nearing the bottom, they looked to the closer humans. The pair had stopped a little distance away from them, but neither of them had grabbed the swords from before. They were quite defenseless unless they had hidden weapons, but (f/n) doubted it. Both of them didn't seem the sort to carry such defenses, especially since they had risked going for the swords.

Once at the bottom, Tarhuinn and she stopped. They maintained their distance from the pair of humans, and she moved a bit closer to Tarhuinn. "What do you two want?" Tarhuinn questioned in a threatening tone.

"You're here for our partners' masters, correct?" the woman inquired.

"Yes, we intend to kill them. If you plan to get in our way, we'll show you no mercy. Your lives will be ended immediately. My wife and I don't have time to be standing around here."

"We won't get in your way. Besides, we'll be killed after the body of Phiinae is discovered. I doubt that our partners will defend us. We've been shown today how replaceable we are," the man answered, a sigh leaving his mouth afterwards.

"Then, why don't you two run and get out of here?" (f/n) questioned, though; she only moved closer to Tarhuinn. At any moment, those two could turn on them despite their words.

"You tell us the way out, and we'll tell you the best route to their masters." The man glanced between the two of them. He held out his right hand. "Do we have a deal? If not, we should both keep moving on ahead before the others resurface. I'd rather not die today."

"How can we trust your word?" Tarhuinn voiced, doubt clear in his tone.

"Simple, we have to trust your word on the way out of here, and it wouldn't make sense for us to lie to both of you. Even if we turned you into their masters, we would still be killed. A human here is sentenced to death the moment that they end the life of a kelremm. There are no exceptions made."

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now