Chapter 1

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It was an early morning. Time had just transformed from dawn into sunrise. The sun barely had reached its peek and here she was, climbing down some rusty unstable fire escape attempting to not slip and fall down onto the hard pavement beneath her.

She must've looked insane. Dressed in her Betty boop night set and a pink bonnet on head, but she didn't really care.

You might be wondering how did she even get in this predicament, so let me explain.

After a long night of tossing in turning her bed, trying to tune out the sounds of her mother and one of her random club hook ups. She had finally had a enough and fled a couple apartments up to her best friend Zeke's apartment, which she normally did leaving her in this predicament.

Traveling down the fire escape might not have been the safest route, but at least she got to admire the various pink, yellow, oranges that decorated the New York City sky. From high up she could see parts of the Bronx that she never knew existed an it amazed her.

Who knew hell could be so beautiful.

She had been so indulged in the view she payed no mind to how she climbed down the fire escape resulting in her scraping her leg on the rusty metal.

"Shit!" She cursed herself, gazing down at her leg seeing that she had drawn blood. This time was one of many. She had so many scars from climbing up and down the fire escape she had lost count.

Finally making it down to her floor, she climbed through the dirty window that she always kept cracked open.

As she entered her home a feeling of misery and loneliness filled her body. This happened every time she entered the apartment. She vaguely remembered when her family lived in a happy, loving environment that was covered in the scent of her mother's apple pies and her father's favorite cologne. Now it reeked of mildew and cigarettes.

Walking through the trashed living room she caught sight of her father's body sprawled out on the living room floor.

He was drunk. It wasn't out of the ordinary, she would actually be surprised if he wasn't.

She rolled her eyes stepping over his drunken body and the lamp he must've knocked over in his drunken rampage. Mid step caught whiff of the sour scent he gave off causing her to gag.

Believe or not he was once a great man. A great father, but just like the rest he was broken.

At the time he thought he was doing good thing by entering the army, thinking he would have better income for his family. And why wouldn't he believe that. He was sold false dreams just like the rest of the poor jokers. All the things they were promised and they only received physical and mental wounds in return of their service.

Entering the kitchen she made her way to the fridge. When she opened it, she glanced inside only to find condiments, old Chinese food, and expired milk.

Before she could even react to the lack of food the sound of a lighter matching caused her body to tense. Turning around she caught sight of her scantly dressed mother who had cigarette between her lips.

"You just getting in?" Her mother, Lisa asked before inhaling the toxic tobacco mix.

Latrice rolled her eyes and shut the fridge, having lost all hopes of finding a decent breakfast. "Does it really matter?" She questioned coldly.

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