Prologue: The End

Start from the beginning

Jon watched as the Night King stepped towards him spear tilting upwards to point at Jon's chest, Jon knocked it out of the way and stepped back in surprise. The Night King stepped toward him again bringing his spear down towards Jon's head, Jon lifted LongClaw and blocked the spear from hitting him. He could bearly hold up his sword against the Night King but he felt the adrenaline start to course through his veins setting his body alight, he lunged forward and swung his sword towards the Night King causing the Night King to block and step back. Jon stood up tall taking a large breath in, rolling his shoulders and preparing for the Night King.

The Night King struck again connecting the spear with Jon swords, he brought the spear around his head and hit Jon in the leg, cutting through Jon's thigh. Jon winced in pain but did not falter as he blocked another of the Night king's attacks. The Night King thrust his spear forward. Jon was too slow against the Night King and felt the Ice of the Night Kings blade freeze his blood. He looked down and saw the spear had pierced through his stomach, blood trickling out. His eyes widened and he looked up to the Night King Jon used the last ounce of his energy and thrust LongClaw into the Night King's chest. There was a crunching sound as the blade went through the night Kings chest and Jon saw the skin around where the sword had entered start to crack. He pushed the sword deeper his face scrunching up with a grunt, and the Night King dissolved into little singular ice pieces.

Jon smiled, he had done everything he was brought back to do. His smiled was ruined as Jon began to coff, his blood spattering out of his mouth, Jon felt the familiar pull of the darkness and new he was going to die. His eyes grew heavy, his lifeless body fell to the snow-filled ground, he watched as the sky cleared and the snow began to clear. They had won and his family was safe Jon Snow didn't feel betrayed or disappointment like he did the last time, Jon Snow felt satisfaction and took his last breath with a smile and a name falling from his lips "Dany."

His body grew cold as he lay on that hill, alone. Not even the cold disturbed his peaceful sleep, nor did the cheers and the sighs from the men around him, he felt nothing, he was nothing but a lifeless body his soul finally free.


Dany had been in her chambers in Winterfell since this morning when she was flung from the top of Dragons back mid-air. She didn't remember anything after she had hit the ground but could have sworn she heard the deep soothing northern voice of Jon Snow, it gave her comfort knowing that he had been there for her and that he was okay. She had woken up an hour before with the fire blazing in the corner and a bandage on her leg, she winced the first time she tried to move her leg and it stopped her from leaving her bed.

Sam had visited her and told her he had attended to her wombs he also gave her the surprising news that she carried a child inside her, Jon's child. Sam had also told her that Jon and the other had stayed on the battlefield at the gates of Winterfell with nothing but a catapult to protect them from her undead child. She had wept the first time she had found out what had happened to Viserion it broke her heart to think of the pain that her sweetest son had endured at the hand of that monster.

Missandie came in then, "Your Grace, do you need anything?" Missandei asked pleasantly as always but Daenerys could hear the sadness and grief that clung to her words. Her friend seemed overly sad again but she knew the cause, it was the knowledge that Greyworm had perished at the hands of the Night King. She knew what it felt like to lose the one you love first hand and she tried to comfort Missandie the best she could by being there for her. Missandie went to the window and opened the curtains. The sky was still dark grey and snow blew in the wind making it bitterly cold.

"Missandie, sit please," Dany said softly, her friend sat in the chair next to her bed and watched her through sad eyes as she played with the seems of her dress. "I am sorry about GreyWorm but you know he wouldn't want you to be sad." Missandie dropped her head and Dany watched as her shoulder began to shake as she cried. Dany swiftly moved to her friend ignoring the pain in her leg, she wrapped her arms around her shoulder and held Missandie to her chest. "It's okay" She whispered as Missandie sniffled, she sat up slowly and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Do you wont to know something good?" Dany asked in a whisper, Missandie nodded. Dany searched Missandie eyes and a smile crept on her face. "I'm pregnant." She said quietly as she moved her hand towards her wombed Missandie's eyes following the movement in shock.

A small smile graced Missadie's lips as her face brightened, Missansie was the one to instigate the huge, pulling Dany close and whispering "I'm so happy for you, Daenerys." Dany couldn't help but smile, she had never heard her call her anything other than Your Grace even after Dany had insisted. The fact that she said it now made the moment even more special.

"Thank you," Dany whispered back, she couldn't wait to see Jon's reaction, she knew he would be a great father. She broke the embrace with Missandie and moved back in the bed to how she was laying before so her leg would stop burning in pain. "You don't have to stay here you can go if you like," Dany said as Missansie helped her get comfortable.

She looked to her left and saw the clouds were beginning to clear she heard the cheers of men, she looked at her friend who looked back her both smiling ear to ear knowing that the Night King had been defeated. Missandie rushed to the window watching as the wind cleared and the snow disappeared. "It's over" She whispered. Dany watched the door and waited for Jon to burst through the door telling her that they had won and letting her know he was okay. She was happy, fully happy for the first time in her life. She didn't need the memories of the house with the red door anymore all she needed was Jon and the notion of having a child growing inside her.

There was a knock on the door, Missandie moved to open it, Dany expected it to be Jon but she knew he wouldn't knock. Sansa walked through the door, gracefully as ever but she did not wear a smile like she thought she should be wearing and it gave her an ominous feeling. Sansa looked straight at Daenerys sadness and grief written on her face closely resembling her friend's own expression. She knew what it meant but did not want to believe it, she shook her head at Sansa, "No. No. No! I don't believe it. It can't be. He can't be gone." Daenerys said hysterically, tears running down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, but my brother is gone. He managed to kill the Night King because his sword was lying next to the Night Kings remains but Jon's body is gone." Sansa said barely making it through the words, her voice shook from the number of emotions going through her. Daenerys laid down her head resting on the pillow looking up at the ceiling as tear strolled down her face. She didn't know what to do, she felt her heart rip into two at the realization that Jon was dead. He was going to be the father of her child, he was going to be her King, she had lost him before they could even live. He was her soulmate and now she felt empty the only thing anchoring her to sanity was the life that grew inside her.

"Where is his body?"

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