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"What time we gotta leave?" He asked as I traced the set of wings on his shoulder blade. He usually tells me to stop, and that it's still sore. He's been getting tattoos for Arianna since he found out she died.

"Now." I mumbled. "But I don't feel like moving." I had an ultrasound appointment before I had to go to my client's house.

I need to stop my shit before I get fired.

"Let's go." I told him. He got up and followed me out the door. It was about a twenty minute ride to the doctors office.

"You been to see Kd?" I ask him, rubbing my stomach. Right now, it's barely a bump.

"I went up thea the night we—uh—buried her." That night, I went to sleep until the next evening. I sighed, biting my lip. At first, I felt bad for feeling the weight drop off my shoulders. Of course I'm not glad my first born's dead, I'm glad I have closure as to where she is.

I'm glad she's not suffering.



"Come on." We got out of the car and went into the cold building. We sat side by side in the waiting room.

"Boo." I mug the girl with the low haircut from across the room. She just looked away.

"Stop being so mean."

"Ion like being stared at."

"I know." He told me, laying his head on my shoulder. "What you think it's gone be?"

"I don't know...it don't really matter." I told him.

"Don't be like that." He mumbled, grabbing my hand. I guess he was looking down and the crown tattoo on my finger. I had another that was her first name. "Stop being so negative. This your baby too."

"See, ian even mean it like that, you crater headed sap. I meant that imma love my baby the same—boy or girl." I shrugged.

"Fuck you call me?"

"A crater headed sap, hoe. You know what a crater is, don't you?" He smacked his lips and looked up at me.

"Bi—girl don't play with me. Imma hurt you."

"Yeen gone buss nan grape this way." I rolled my neck.

"Imma put you on blast—fuck with me."


"That's me." I tell the lady in the scrubs.

"Awww, look! They got your square ass head." I joke at Kentrell, making the technician snicker, but fix her face.

"Awww, they gone come out with bigger titties than you." He shot back in the same voice. This time, she hung her head as I mugged him.

"Shut up, Mr. Potato Head. You like em." I buck.

"Sho' do." The tech started talking about how health the baby looks and routine stuff. I'm pretty sure all of us were familiar with this.

"So, when we gone know what the gender is?"

"Well, we try to get the view when the mid pregnancy check up comes around. Since that's between 16 to 20 weeks, you're coming up close on it."


"Well okay, we're done here! Have a good day."

"You too." Soon after she left, we were out of there, too.

"You want me to drive you straight to her house?" He asked me, referring to the client I had today.

"Damn, she got an appointment—I needed a car today. I would tell you to just take me home, but I'll be late then." My job was to help older people with what they needed around their house. It wasn't a lot since they could do mostly everything on their own.

"I'll drop you off, then get somebody to come with me to bring your car." I nodded. "Aye, when you get-um-bigger, you wanna take maternity pictures?" I looked at him surprised.

"I didn't know you were interested in stuff like that."

"Well, you the only baby momma I like." I sucked my teeth and mushed his head.

"Fuck a like."

"You right, I looooveeee you."


"You so dry." I just shoot him a bird. We was listening to all types of shit on the way back. We pulled up with a couple of minutes to spare.

"Gimme a kiss." I leaned over and pecked his lips. He grabbed me before I reached for the door.

"Brah, we too grown for that baby ass shit."

"I gotta go help this lady get ready Mane, go get my car nah!" He sucked his teeth and waved me off.

"Gone head."

"Bye booooo." I say, getting out of the car.

"Bye stank."

"Ya mami." I shut the door as he busted out laughing. This lady lived in an apartment building, so I made my way up the steps to her spot. She was my favorite, because she was so sweet and just needed somebody to talk to. I knocked on the door, and a few seconds later she came to open it.

"Hey, baby! How ya feeling?"

"I'm good, Ms.Shirley. How you?"

"I'm fine, baby. You know my daughter supposed to be coming to see me soon. I know she tired of hearing about you, but I can't help it. You just so sweet and remind me of her so much." She smiles as she reached for her purse.

"Thank you." I smile back. We sat and talked for a minute until Ken texted me about the car.

"You ready to go?" She gets up and we head out.




#TeamGirl💖👣 ?

90 votes & imma try to drop another today 💚

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