It Started At a Party

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Ephorize (Eh-fohr-yz)


1. To have an absolute controlling influence over


It all started at this party. The redefining moment of your life that would cause you to stop hiding in the shadows and step out of your comfort zone. Maybe it was the festive atmosphere or the desperate horny guys trying to get that pu-tang in the corner that made you realize that you cannot be a bum in college like you were in high school.

It was that... or maybe it was the 6 shots of Hennessy you just downed as a crowd of unfamiliar faces shouted, "DO IT!" "DO IT!"


I guess I'll have another shot you thought.

"Wow another one!? I guess you're not a lightweight" a male with lush chocolate brown hair with a nice vibe radiating around him directed at you.

"Okay?" you replied sarcastically really revealing that you were tipsy.

"Oh so you're a feisty one" he said with a smile finding a chair right next to you.

"I'm Oikawa Toru, but everyone just calls me Oikawa" he continued on reaching out for a handshake.

"Cool" you responded and got up.

Lemme get out of this conversation before it goes sour, you were thinking in your head.

You quickly tried to make your way up to the bathroom, but that Hennessy started to kick in and suddenly you lost your balance, but Oikawa catches you swiftly.

"Hold on there cowgirl you didn't even give me a name" Oikawa says holding onto you as you attempt to regain your composure.

Why the hell does he smell so good and why is so fucking gorgeous wtf  is all you could think of as your head rested on his chest for that split minute.

Suddenly those shots came back to haunt you. You felt something bubbling up your stomach trying to make its way up your throat.

"Is everything alright cutie?" Oikawa asks.

"Who are you calling cut-"

The vomit that was rushing up your throat cut you off and you made a run for it to the nearest bathroom before you could utterly embarrass yourself by puking on a boy who for some odd reason had taken an interest to you.

After three solid minutes of non-stop puking you finally regain composure of yourself and look in the mirror.

"What am I even doing here?" you said to yourself.

For some odd reason when you reached in your bag to freshen yourself up you noticed you had an unopened toothbrush and a container full of mints.

"Oh hell yeah" you rejoiced as your breath wouldn't reek of the smell of vomit and whatever you ate for lunch.

Knock Knock

"Occupied!" you shouted as someone was persistently trying to get through the door.

"Miss sir pukes a lot-chan are you alright?" Oikawa joked from behind the door.

"hahahahaha" you laughed sarcastically opening the door.

"What do you even want? don't you have like a fan club of girls outside you could be talking to?" you added.

"Ouch! you don't even know me and you're already labeling me a player" he cried, but it looked like he was just joking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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Ephorize ( Haikyuu Various College AU x Reader) [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now