Hope it gives you Hell

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[Location: Some literal hell hole]

After forcing the Mastermind to deep throat the BFG, the Doom Slayer charges up his weapon as the giant spider demon looks upon him with fear. A bright green light is suddenly launched from the BFG and destroys a large portion of the Mastermind's head. It's remaining head whips back just a bit from the force and falls back  down with a mighty thud. Forever motionless.

The Doom Slayer looks all around him to see if there are anymore demons to slay as ammo and shield boosts spurt from the Mastermind's gaping head hole.

Suddenly he is enveloped in a bright electrical light as something flashes on his HUD.


The light fully consumes him as he is blinded for a brief moment.

As the brightness subsides just a bit the Doom Slayer finds himself in a dark chamber while hovering over a stone pentagram in the same electrical light. His mobility is greatly limited. Raising his head up he sees an all too familiar robot making its way towards him.

Samuel: You've won. It's over. You've stopped the invasion and closed the portal... But it's come at a price. Argent, Vega, this entire operation. You see, I've watched you work. Come to understand your motivation... You think the only way is to kill them all. Leave nothing behind. And you may be right... But we can't just shut it all down! Without argent energy it will be worse. I don't expect you to agree.

Reaching his hand out and using the robo force, Samuel pulls the Crucible from the immobile marine. Once in his grasp he looks upon it.

Samuel: But with this, we can continue our work! I am not the villain in this story. I do what I do because there is no choice.


Samuel: Our time is up. I can't kill you. But I won't have you standing in our way.

He flicks the Crucible in the air and it ignites with a red blade. Making him look like an absolute Sith Lord.

Samuel: Until we see eachother again.

He turns around and takes his leave as sparks begin to fly around the Doom Slayer.


In an instance he is lift through the air as the light around him becomes just as bright as before. At that moment it is as if his whole body is on fire. Not that he can't handle it, but unpleasant none the less. During this whole experience he has only had one regret out of everything in the end.

Never associate yourself with somebody that goes by S. Hayden.

The sudden sound of rushing wind catches his attention as his vision begins to clear up. All around he sees only blue with the occasional cloud..... Finally deciding to look down he sees he is plummeting towards a city from a very high altitude.

Down below in an abandoned office building a group of strange individuals with pointy ears and bat-like wings gather in front of a person wearing a dark robe. Horns protruding from his head are seen.

Robedude: Brothers and sisters! The time has come to rise up and strike down our enemies! However, there is one thing we must accomplish. Rias Gremory and her Peerage must be dealt with! As of now they are being lured back here right into a trap. They will arrive at any minute! Prepare yourselves for the beginning. OF THE END!

Hell hath no fury (like a man in green armor)Where stories live. Discover now