Ghost Touched

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3rs pov

Lucy was running down the hall almost to the sorce when another one appeared in front of her. Lockwood through a salt bomb to take care of the one behind her, but instead of it just blowing up it threw off her banalce and she tryed to stay up right but her foot went strait through the other ghost. With a cry of pain she fell hard on the floor spraining the same ankle. Lockwood jumped over, cut throught the ghost infront of her, and sealed the source.
"Luce, are you ok?"
"No, my ankle is throbbing and ghost touched."
"Ok, I know you won't like the idea be I'm going to have to carry you, there is no way you can walk."
"At this point I'm not even going to fight" Lucy said with a sigh. "Let's just get to a phone." Lockwood picked her up as careful as possible knowing that she was already in pain, carried her into the houses living room, and set her down on the couch. He called an ambulance then called George.
"Ok the ambulance will be here soon. How much pain are you in?"
"A lot, I would prop up my leg to reduce the swelling but that wouldn't  help the rot problem."
"You are oddly calm about all this Luce."
"It's probably just a mix of shock and adrenalin, when it all sinks in I probably won't be so calm."
"Ok well don't try to get up, we still have another source to find, so I'll be back when I find it or when the medics show up, wich ever comes first."
Lucy did as told, but it's not like she could go against him, while Lockwood went back into the house to look for ghosts. He found it, and drew it away from the source, he had to break a few floor boards but he got it sealed right as he heard the sirens of the ambulance. With both sources safely sealed he headed back to Lucy, he had just sat down when Barnes came through the door with the medics.
"What did you do this time?"
"Short story, or long story?" Lockwood asked as they took care of Lucy.
"For now, short."
"Lucy lost her balance and when she went to keep herself from falling she got ghost touched then landed on the same ankle and probably sprained it."
"Ok, so you didn't unnecessarily break anything."
"No, I did break a few floor baords to get to the second source, but it was necessary."
"Mr. Barnes, we need to check him for injerys too." One of the medics intrupeted. Barnes just sighed and wave Lockwood off.
"I'm not injured, only Lucy got touched and she hurt her ankle when she fell."
"We still need to check sir."
"Fine, but you're not going to find anything." After they were done making sure he was ok her finally got to ask them some questions. "How bad is Lucy?"
"We gave her a adrenaline shot and are going to take her to the hosptial, she'll probably have to stay the night. You have any relationship to her?"
"Well she's my employee and one of my closest friends."
"Does she have any family around?"
"I don't think so, she's from a small town up north.
"Normally I wouldn't do this but, seeing as she doesn't have any family, and I can tell you like her, you can ride along if you want."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Yeah, your smile went down a little when I asked about your relationship, sorry dude. So y'wanna ride or not?"
"Yeah, probably shouldn't go back home without knowing how bad she is, and if she can't walk I'll have to help her."
"Ok well we're about to load her, so get in." Lockwood did as told and tryed to keep out of the way as they secure the bed.
"I swear to God, if they have to take part of my leg, I'm useing what they cut off to slap you."
"Ok well ew, and I see the shock and adrenaline rush wore off. You won't loose the leg Luce. You probably won't be able to walk for a week or so, but you'll be fine."
"Either way it'll be hard to get to my room and I'll need crutches."
"More like because Miss." One of the medics broke in. "Although he is right, you will be fine."
"I know I'll be fine, but thats a threat I've kinda always wanted to make."
"What kinda girl wants to make a threat like that?!?!"
"Me, I think it has to do with the way I was raised."
"Y'know I'm just gunna stop trying to figure you out."
"Standard." Lucy and Lockwood say at the same time, then start laughing.
"Ok well there seems to be a wreck, so it'll take a good bit longer to get to the hosptial, with the shot you'll be fine when it comes to the rotting, we're just taking you for the ankle. There should be a extra blanket or two if you need it."
"Awsome." Lucy said sarcastically. Without being asked Lockwood goes ahead and puts one of the blankets over her legs.
"You're always cold, even when you're not ghost touched, you're probably freezing."
"Thanks Lockwood." She gave him a greatful smile, "I really was pretty cold." She pulled up so that it was covering all of her.
When they finally got home several hours later, Lockwood helped Lucy out of the cab and up to the house.
"Took you two long enough to get home." George said when the front door was closed.
"Yeah well Luce's ankle is really messed up, but sence she wasn't in immediate danger, she had to wait, because there were other agents comming in with worse ghost touch."
"Any we know?" Quill asked, even though he isn't with Fitts any more, he still cares about his old friends.
"No, just Luce."
"You guys are talking as if I am not standing right here."
"Yeah sorry about that, how you feeling?" Holly said.
"I'm tired, swolen, and in pain."
"Want me to help you upstairs." She askes.
"I'll just carry her up, so she can be in her bed and not on the couch." Lockwood said.
"Oh, I wanna wach this!" George didn't think that Lockwood carrying Lucy all the way up to her room was going to work out.
"Ok, Holly can you take the crutches?" Lockwood put one hand on Lucy's back and the other behind her knees and carfully pickes her up. In tern she put her arm around his neck to steady herself and Quill and George exchange knowing looks. They make it all the way up the her room, and Lockwood puts Lucy in her bed which Holly had already set the crutches down by and had put a pillow at the end so that Lucy could prop her ankle up.
"Thanks Lockwood," Lucy said as she finally got to lay in her bed.
"No problem love."
"WHAT?!?!" All of them asked him.
"I said the end of that out loud didn't I?"
"Yep," Quill said smirking at him. Lockwood feels his ears go bright red.
"Ooooofff course I did." He sighed.
"Are you two finally dating?" Holly asked, Lucy said nothing, she wanted to hear what he had to say.
"No, atleast not yet. And what do you mean 'finally'?"
"As in you haven't askes her out yet?"
"Correct, now answer my question."
"As in they've been waiting for us to get together." Lucy said getting his attention.
"You guys have been waiting for me to ask her out?"
"Yes." They said as one.
"We know you like eachother, just get it over with." George laughed at him.
"Well I'm not going to do it with all of you guys around s-" Before he could finish his sentence they were all out of her room.
"Well that worked."
"Good, now come here." He sat next to her on the bed. "Go over to the door quietly and open in." She whispered.
"To make sure they're not listening to us."
"What makes you think that's what they're doing?"
"They're just like a group of girls." Without further explination he slowly went of and opended the door, wich caused their friends to fall into her room. "Told you."
"Really guys?!"
"Just making sure you actually do it."
"I will, just GO." They finally went down stairs, and Lockwood sat next to Lucy again.
"Well now that we're actually alone, you have something to ask?" She joked smirking at him.
"I guess I do." He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you wanna go out on an actual date sometime? I know we've gone on walks and stuff, but that isn't exactly a date."
"I'd love to, Lockwood."
"Man that would have been awkward if you had said 'no.'"
"I wouldn't have promted you, if I wasn't going to agree."
"I know, but even the medics could tell that I had a crush on you."
"Ohhhh, Loockwooood, that's kinda pethetic."
"Yeah.... But if it was that obvious, why didn't you notice?"
"I knew you had a crush, I just figured it was on Holly."
"You have seen the girl right? She's gorgeous." He shrugged.
"You say that l like you aren't."
"I'm not." She said looking him dead in the eye.
"You really think that Luce?"
"I've looked in a mirror before."
"Then you should know how pretty you are." She blushed, it was the first time someone had ever said anything like that to her.
"Maybe you just have an odd type for girls."
"You do realize that I asked you, right?"
"Which confirms my beliefs."
"I never thought you to be the insecure type." He says taking her hand.
"Well you've picked up on it now."
"But I don't get why, you're beautiful."
"Probably beacuse you're like the 2nd person to actually compliment me on stuff like that."
"The first being?"
"Not even your mother?"
"She just told me 'prettiness isn't my profession' and sent me on my way."
"Oh, well then I need to work on your confidence." He kisses her temple. "You know... Holly only looks how she does because her face is caked with make-up." He continued.
"I doubt that, I mean I know she wears make-up, but that doesn't change her facial features."
"You know you shouldn't compare yourself to other girls, it's only going to make you see flaws in yourself, even though there aren't any."
"There is no denying my nose is huge." With a sigh Lockwood put his arm around Lucy, pulling her to his chest.
"This'll take a while won't it?"
"Fixing your confidence."
"That'll take you the wrest of our lives."
"As long as I'm with you." He said placing a kiss on the top of her head.
"That sounds amazing." They stayed there for a while, but then George called them down for dinner.
"Everything figured out?"
"Yep," Lockwood puts an arm around Lucy and she leans into him.

(I know its shorter then normal, but i couldn't figure out how to get like 200 more words to get to my normal 2000 ish words)

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