Is she worried?

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Hermione's POV (a few minutes later):

The Heads Common Room was in ruins when I got there... I have no idea how he was able to turn a coffee table over on its side, rip the couch cushions, tear the curtains, punsh like 6 holes in the walls, all in a matter of like 2 minutes... I was walking around the room taking in all of the damage when I heard a pounding from up stairs. I walked up the stairs and looked around... the only place that was ruined was his room and the bathroom door, it looked like he punched it to open the door... I walked toward the door listening for any sound, I heard sobbing and mumbling from the other side... I knocked on the door... "Draco?"

"what?" His voice was raspy, like he had been yelling... I went for the handle but couldn't open the door, he had locked the door, possibly knowing I would come and find him... "Draco... will you unlock the door, please?" I was worried about him the only other time he did this was when he was mad at his dad about what he did... but the Common Room, he never, and I mean never, did that. He would tear the curtains but not to where it was just string... He was hurting and I had to help him... whether he liked it or not... I felt like I was the only one who could... 

The door opened a crack... I could see the mirrors were cracked and there were holes in the wall. Either he wanted it or not... I opened the door all the way and looked in his eyes, "Everything is going to be OK." He looked away from my face and said, "How? Hermione... How are you so... calm?" He looked back to my face, "Nothing is going to be OK... Not after what I did..." He pushed past me and waked to his room and shut the door... I moved my hand in a sweeping motion and everything went to its original place. I walked to my room and looked across the hall to Draco's door... I was really surprised at his reaction...normally he would make a snide remark about me or my hair or something, he must really be upset... I walked into my room and closed the door... I slid down the door and sat on the floor and heard Draco walk out of his room and go downstairs... 

Draco's POV (3 minutes ago):

I knew that Granger was going to come after me... She always did... I was running this time, To the Common Room, my feet smacking the floor, I could hear his voice in my head "come... Come home, Draco..... Come home" NO!!!!!! He couldn't be in my head... he died of a heart attack after the Second Wizard War... He was buried in the graveyard near Potter's house... He couldn't... yet, he was, "Draco..." It was a whisper and I sent shivers down my spine... I had to punch something... I had to.... I had to get out of here!!!

"Draco???" She was... She was coming to look for me... I had to stop, but I couldn't...


I got to the Common Room and started throwing the books off the shelves, I'd turned over the coffee table, ripped the curtains, tore into the couch cushions, I punched holes in the walls... "AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Why??? Why did everything happen to the Malfoys? I had it good when I was a kid... "Draco... Come... Come to me..."  I couldn't go to him... I ran up stairs and threw things around in my room, I ran into the bathroom door with my fist, only to dent it a little... I slammed the door and heard her enter the Common Room... I punched the mirror, causing the glass to shatter, "AGGGGGHHHH!!!" I slid to the floor sobbing, she was walking up the stairs, she was at the hallway, she was at my bedroom, she was nocking on the bathroom door...

"Draco?" I was surprised she called me by my first name, I was always Malfoy to her...

"What?" My voice was raspy, because I'd been yelling, she went for the door handle rattling the nob because it was locked, I'd locked it knowing she was coming....

The Impossible is PossibleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora