Chapter 2

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I once had this boyfriend who was of the opposite colour (I'm black by the way), who was quite the hit with my parents. They were impressed with the fact that I was able to do that, considering the racial divide I had experienced in my primary school and high school. I'd always bragged about marrying a white guy, just to show everyone-including my wonderful parents-how these dumb labels didn't matter-shouldn't have mattered in the first place. I would always be the one shedding an optimistic light on every world based argument in the house and my parents always insisted on me getting my head out of the clouds. Anyway, I ended up dating this guy and he came over to meet my parents. My mom instantly fell in love with him and my dad respected him because-and I wish I was lying-he found him washing dishes. That was the first time. He obviously came over many times after that in secret, but there was one time where it was not so secret. My mom came home early and found him here. Not only that, he was in my room. That was a huge no-no. My mom was FUMING. I got grounded for nearly a month, but my mom was still all for this dude, even after we broke up. Which is not the moral of the story. I guess it's, be more ninja like in this approach.

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