Chapter 5: Meet Keiichi (Remake)

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Tarynn's P.O.V

Kiki and I went outside and walk with Mion and Rena. It was good to have a friend. We saw the boy with a brown hair was walking by himself. He looks like our age, I guess.

The boy waved at us. "Hi, Rena and Mion!"

Rena waved back. "Hi, Keiichi!"

"There you are, Keiichi!" Mion waved back, too. "You're late. We want to you to meet the girls."

"Wha?" Keiichi blinked his blue eyes.

"This is Tarynn and Kiki," Mion pointed at us.

We waved at him.

"Hi!" Kiki gave him a sweet smile.

I waved.

Keiichi began to laughed, nervously. "Wow, I guess these were now students, ummm.... right?"

Rena and Mion nodded, Kiki and I were smiling at him.

Keiichi blinked. "Ummm... okay. So Kiki and Tarynn are new students?"

"Of course we are," Kiki said, she stared at him.

Keiichi stared at her for a few seconds. We don't know what's got into him.

Keiichi's P.O.V

I've never meet a sweet, pretty girl before. She looks beautiful, anyway. Her hair is brown and her eyes are blue just like mine.

Gosh, I would like to go on a date with her.

She stared at him. "Keiichi?" she asked. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head and say, "Umm, yes-- what's your name again?" I asked, I wasn't listen at all.

"Kiki," she told me about what her name is. "My friend Tarynn calls me Kikiyo."

"Well, umm... nice to meet you, Kiki," I shook her hand gently.

Kiki giggled. "Nice to meet you, too."

Kiki's P.O.V

I don't know what's got into him. His face is red and he's crushing on me. I knew he started to like me. I started to be nice to him.

"So, Keiichi," I said calmly. "Are you new here, too?"

He nodded. "One month ago I moved in Hinamizawa."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep," he smiled at me. "That's why you two are now here in Hinamizawa, too."

I started to giggle. "Actually, we've moved in Hinamizawa for a week ago and this is our new home."

"Cool!" Keiichi's face was blushing, he started to laugh nervously. "Well.... So..... I would ask you a question."

I stepped forward. "What is it?" I asked nicly.

Keiichi closed his eyes, his face were blushing. He opened them and he started to speak to me. "Would you like to go to the festival with me sometimes?"

I nodded, I was happy to hear that. "Of course I would like to go to the festival, Keiichi."

"That's good, Kiki!" Keiichi exhaled, then he started to stay close with me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Mion blocked us, her face were red witg an embarrassment. "Keiichi, did you ask her for a date?"

"What? No!" Keiichi lied to her, his face is still blushing.

Mion pointed out. "Yes, you are, Keiichi," she was smirking at him. "You did asked her for a date!"

Rena, Mion, Tarynn, and I wete giggling.

"You guys are driving me crazy!" Keiichi snapped, with an embarrassment face. "I was only being a friendly chat with her! God!"

Then we were going to school.

Hey, guys! I was making ideas if this story about Kiki and Keiichi. Lol, KikiKaede, I hope you'll love this chapter.

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