Thanks 4 tagging me!

34 2 5

Ok... Tysm Luna_Jetaime for tagging me!

1. Straight (boring  ik)
2. Girl
3. Yup happy right now.
4. Idk the name of it lol
5. Brown
7. My little brother. He was crying.
8. Orange (pastel preferably)
9. Pizza is bae
10. 36%
11. I don't have one... (I'm so boring omg)
12. I actually  love broccoli... (STOP THROWING STUFF IM SORRY)
13. Brown
14. European size 39.5
15. Author/ English teacher

Imma tag some people who deserve  mor recognition... Probs not 20

4. treader1989

Good enough?

I got tagged guyzWhere stories live. Discover now