Moving On (OC -Luke Braun)

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here it is! the first part of my short story, featuring Luke Braun. For those who don't know, Luke Braun is a character in my fan-fic Scream and be Free


"Fuck!" Luke shouted as Caleb pulled up to the familiar drive way. "Fuck you!" he shouted smashing his hand into the dash of Caleb's Land Rover.

"We're brothers and you're not my type." Caleb shrugged navigating the suv toward the large house that stood at the end of the tree lined drive. "C'mon, Jamal has been pissing his pants to see you. What kind of friends would we be, if we didn't go see him?"

"One who was still alive after this." Luke mumbled.

Gritting his teeth at Caleb, who insisted his little brother stop being such a child, Luke slouched further down in the passenger seat of the Land Rover. He had come home to visit which meant seeing his family, but he didn't want to see them the second he arrived. Seeing Caleb and his parents was one thing, being drug to his grandparent's house was another. Luke loved his family, truly, but the idea of sitting and allowing his grandfather to point out all of his faults after such a long flight was less than tempting.

Parking the vehicle, Caleb rested his forearms on the steering wheel, glancing at his brother. "Are you going to sulk all day?"

"Why do we have to come here to see Jamal?" Luke asked with a frown. "Can't we call him and tell him to meet us after work? When did he start working at the house anyway?"

The last time Luke had checked, Jamal Smith had worked in the main office downtown. Although working for the Braun Family's business, Jamal rarely let his friendship and work mix. It was safer to keep the two apart with Luke.

Caleb shrugged. "He's been working out of the old man's office for the last couple of months."

Alan Braun, Sr had two main offices - one in the downtown office and one in his home. Nobody ever worked from the one in his house, except for him. If he had moved Jamal to the house, then the boy who'd been his grandson's best friend since grade two must have been doing something right. As much as Luke sometimes disliked the dynamics of the family business, he was happy to know it was treating his friend well. Jamal had grown up with a single mother, in a low income area, in high school he started working part time for Luke's grandfather which eventually led him to a rather cushy life for being no more than 26 years old. Peeking out the window at the daunting house, Luke groaned when he noticed somebody peering out the window, now that they had been spotted they had to go in.

Leaning over to look out the window Caleb grinned, his slightly stubbled cheeks turning into his infamous dimples. "Shall we?" he asked, opening the driver's door.

"I hate you. You're such a sasquatch, a real jackass too." Luke commented, opening his door and getting out of the vehicle.

Ignoring his brother's comments, Caleb strode toward the large front door. Not bothering to knock, he opened the heavy black door, holding it open for Luke. Walking into the grand hall way of the extensively large house Luke glanced around to find everything seemed to be just as it was the last time he graced the fortress with his presence. On the heels of his older brother, Luke internally admired the beauty of the family home, a place his grandparents had literally built from the ground up. As boys Caleb and Luke would spend time visiting their grandmother, who always let her only two grandchildren run wild through her home. They would spend hours laughing and racing through the hall ways, or playing hide and seek.

Luke always loved how his grandmother would allow her two grandsons away with murder, for a lack of better words, sometimes he missed those days. Automatically following Caleb down a long hall, covered in paintings, and a few photos Luke knew this as the way to the office without even bothering to look. He could walk this hallway blindfolded and in the dark, if he had to. The smell of the house hadn't changed in his life time, the fragrant scent of lilies and ironically pine trees gave the house a welcoming, yet some how distant feeling. Maybe it was just Luke who felt that way? As he got older and the family put more expectations on him, the less he enjoyed being in this house.

Moving On (OC -Luke Braun)Where stories live. Discover now