Murr x Reader : One Hundred Percent Of The Time

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James Murray was the best man you'd ever been involved with.

He knew all the right things to say, the right things to do. He'd taken you on spectacular dates, bought you extravagant gifts for various occasions. You could be yourself with him, and he never judged. He loved to show you off and treat you like the queen you were.

You loved the man with everything inside you. Which was why you were terrified of losing him.

You'd been together for a little over a year when you were late for your period. You didn't panic, this happened sometimes.

But then it went on for a month.

You were a month late and didn't know what to do. Finally, you got up the courage to take The Test.

The one you'd been dreading.

And when the word 'pregnant' was on the screen, you couldn't help but throw up into the nearest trash can.

You were pregnant with James S Murray's baby.

You didn't know how you felt about that.

You didn't know how to tell him. You didn't know whether he'd be happy, sad, angry.. Fuck this was not what you needed. A baby? You could barely pick up your dirty clothes.

You sighed, threw the test away, and tried to ignore it.

You had successfully done so until one rainy Saturday, four days later.

You and Murray had decided to just stay in, let the storm pass over.

So there you were, curled up with movies and snacks, eager to spend time with the love of your life. He gets up to use the bathroom before you could begin '10 Things I Hate About You'.

You sit on the couch, crunching the chips you had been craving that week.

"Uh.. (Y/N)?" he calls, voice high pitched. You're browsing the other romance movies, unbothered.

"Yeah, James?" you call back. He comes out, face pale. You glanced to him and do a double take, looking concerned.

"Baby? What's wrong?" you ask, standing. He holds up the pregnancy test, hand shaking. You go pale. Your mouth goes dry. The room is silent.

"I-Is this-" he clears his throat, "Is this yours?"

You don't answer for a moment.

"Y-Yes.." you reply slowly. He gives a small exhale of air, collapsing on the couch. Tears spring to your eyes, heart pounding.

"James, please. Don't be mad, honey.. I'm so sorry, I thought birth control worked one hundred percent of the time. I'll get rid of it if you want me-" but he cut you off by immediately glancing up at you.

"Get rid of it?" he asks, eyes bugging out.You bit your lip, tears spilling out. He stands, staring. He opens his mouth to say something, but you start before he can.

"I-I'm sorry.. J-Just please don't leave me-" you begin to beg, but he, again, cuts you off. This time by covering your mouth. He has tears in his own eyes.

He shakes his head with disbelief, staring at you as if he's never seen something so bewildering.

"Sweetie, I would never want you to get rid of our baby.. You're growing a little US inside of you! That's.. amazing! It's a miracle! And I want to have this baby. With you. I'd never leave. I love you. I love you so much." he says, a tear sliding down his cheek.

You move his hand, and crash your lips to his. You wrap your legs around his waist and he holds you before sitting on the couch with you in his lap. He pulls your shirt up to touch your stomach. You giggle, rolling your eyes.

"Hey, little Murr! Daddy's so excited to meet you. Mommy and I are gonna love you so much.. We already do!" he coos, making you tear up again. He gives your stomach a little kiss, making you give a watery laugh. He grins and comes up to kiss you again. When you finally pull away, he rests his forehead on yours.

"Well now I know.. But how am I supposed to tell the guys?"

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