Funda(PreBoard4) Part XVII

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Situation 1: Nursing is a profession. The nurse should have a background on the theories and foundation of nursing as it influenced what is nursing today.

1. Nursing is the protection, promotion and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response and advocacy in the care of the individuals, families, communities and population. This is the most accepted definition of nursing as defined by the:



C. Nightingale

D. Henderson

2. Advancement in Nursing leads to the development of the Expanded Career Roles. Which of the following is NOT expanded career role for nurse?

A. Nurse practitioner

B. Clinical Nurse Specialist

C. Nurse Researcher

D. Nurse anaesthesiologist

3. The Board of Nursing regulated the Nursing profession in the Philippines and is responsible for the maintenance of the quality of nursing in the country. Powers and duties of the board of nursing are the following EXCEPT:

A. Issue, suspend revoke certificates of registration

B. Issue subpoena duces tecum, ad testificandum

C. Open and close colleges of nursing

D. Supervise and regulate the practice

4. A nursing student or a beginning staff nurse who has not yet experienced enough in a situation to make judgments about them is in what stage of Nursing Expertise?

A. Novice

B. Newbie

C. Advanced Beginner

D. Competent

5. Benner’s “Proficient” nurse level is different from the other levels in nursing expertise in the context of having:

A. The ability to organize and plan activities

B. Having attained an advanced level of education

C. A holistic understanding and perception of the client

D. Intuitive and analytic ability in new situations

Situation 2: The nurse has been asked to administer an injection via Z TRACK technique. Questions 6 to 10 refer this.

6. The nurse prepares an IM injection for an adult client using the Z track techniques, 4 ml of medication is to be administered to the client. Which of the following site will you choose?

A. Deltoid

B. Rectus Femoris

C. Ventrogluteal

D. Vastus lateralis

7. In infants 1 year old and below, which of the following is the site of choice in intramuscular injection?

A. Deltoid

B. Rectus Femoris

C. Ventrogluteal

D. Vastus lateralis

8. In order to decrease discomfort in Z track administration, which of the following should be done?

A. Pierce the skin quickly and smoothly at 90 degree angle

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