mechanical pencils

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I feel hypocritical writing this,
Papermate mirado classic HB 2
It's hypocritical
I'm writing about mechanical pencils with a wooden pencil
What the hell does HB 2 mean
Supposedly it's about a graphite scale
Supposedly wooden pencils are worse than mechanical pencils
"A natural or established process by which something takes place or is brought about."
Your smile was a natural process that brought me to loving you.
Now I'm not writing about pencils to prove ones better,
I'm just here to say I prefer mechanical over wooden.
Maybe later on I'll appreciate the six sides on the pencil I'm using
But right now I'm focused on the way I can grip a mechanical pencil just like I gripped your hand for the first time.
And maybe later I'll love the grip of another's hand
I'm not writing about you to say that you're better than someone I might meet,
I'm just here to say, I prefer you over any other person.
And just for the moment I prefer you over anyone else,  just like I prefer mechanical pencils over my papermate mirado classsic HB2.

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