The Guardian Of The Crimson Dragon

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Jack's Pov

''It seems our little girl have some special powers...''I said looking at my daughter

''Go back to Yusei,we will be here to watch your little fairy...''Luna said

''Thanks guys!''Jack said and went back to Yusei's room.

''Hey Jack...''Yusei said

''Hey,how are you feeling?''I asked

''Much better!''He said with a smile.Then I gently hugged him

''The doctor said that you can stand up without much pain now...''I said

''Alright...''He said with a sigh

''Yusei,what's wrong?You're not always so quiet...''I said looking at him worried

''I'm fine...It's just...About Amora...I'm afraid!Who know if these powers are for a good reason!''He was really scared.And I was too...

''Don't worry Yusei...We may don't know what these powers are but...It must be a good reason why it choose our daughter...If it is for a bad reason we'll do anything to change that,right?''Then I grap his shoulder but Yusei didn't do an eye conaction so I have to ''Yusei...Our daughter is special...And if something bad is gonna happen to her,trust me,after hard work controling these powers she will fight on her own...But until then,I will protect you...Both of you...''Yusei said close his eyes and kiss me in the lips.I was suprised so my eyes widen but then I give in and kissed him back''Thanks Jack,I really need that...'He said with a big smile.Then we both heard a knock''Hey Yusei!Are you awake?''It was Luna.What's she doing here?I thought''Come in Luna!''Yusei said.She then push the door and enter the room''How are you feeling?''She asked

''I'm fine....''Yusei answered shofty

''Luna...''I said

''Hm?''She turned to me

''Do you know what's going on with Amora?''I asked.Then she sighed and look at the floor

''Luna?What's wrong?''Yusei asked''Do you know what's going on?''

''Yes...''She said.The both Yusei and I gasped''Ancient Fairy Dragon told me that a baby will grow up with some amazing powers and help the Crimson Dragon and the spirits from a dark power...Now I know who that baby is...''Yusei and I looked at eachother worried''You said...Help the Crimson Dragon?...From a dark power?!''I asked ''Our daughter is in danger!''Yusei shouted

''NO!!!!''Luna yelled''Don't you see?!Your daughter is The Guardian Of The Crimson Dragon!!She is also the daughter of Burning Soul and Clear Mind!''

''Why does that sound familiar?''I asked.Then Yusei's eyes widened

''Jack!Clear Mind and Burning Soul symbolise us!''

''You're right!''I said.We all heard someone crying out of the room.I got up and saw Crow holding Amora''Hey little one!I am your uncle Crow!What's your name?''Then Amora laughed.I couldn't help it but smile.When I see Yusei or Amora happy I am happy.Yusei was right.Amora has the best uncles and auntes in the world.

AFTER AN HOUR...........................................................................

Yusei&Amora were sleeping in the bed and I was talking with the others until...


It was from Yusei's room!I run like the wind when I saw the bed in the wall and Amora's crib overturned.I was crying when I heard someone scream my name:"JACK!!!HELP!!!''

It was Yusei!Then I heard Amora crying.Whoever is behind this,when I find them,they can say bye-bye to their peaceful lives bcs they're gonna die!''Let's hurry up!''I said and we all started running in the streets like crazy!Then we all heard someone laugh''If you're want to find your friend and that little brat you have to give me the psycik girl...HAHAHAHA!!!''I'm gonna kill him!I thought But...The only one with psycik powers here is...Akiza...What the hell he want with Akiza?!Then I heard Akiza gasped:"Sayer?!...''Then we all saw Sayer appear inside the shadows when I yelled:"WHY?!WHY YUSEI AND AMORA?!WHAT ARE THEY DONE TO YOU SAYER!!!?HOW DARE YOU TO KIDNAP MY HUSBAND AND MY DAUGHTER!!!?''I said while tears felling of my face

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