Chicken Or Mutton?

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Chicken or mutton?
Umm. You tell. (Because you didn't know absolutely how less I eat and how waste it is to order a plate just for me. But now you did, I know!) half Chicken, full Mutton.
Ooh. Okay!
We ate, talked, ate, talked. Special mention to Puliyinchi which I took only once because I was so concentrated in you. (I regret it. It was yum!)
You paid (I thought, "dude!!!" )
It had started raining then. I had an umbrella. I am your rescuer. Woo-hoo. By the time we paid, it was just a drizzle. And come on, I don't wanna miss a chance of drenching in the rain. "We don't need the umbrella, right?" He was silent. So I took it my Yes.

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