Firewhiskey And Fireplaces

17 1 5

Summary: "A siren - that's what she is, with her lithe and curvaceous body and chocolate eyes that could make any man a slave of hers." Dean Thomas is hurting after Ginny's betrayal. And who knew Colin Creevey could be so dark natured?

Firewhiskey And Fireplaces
(Or, Ginny Weasley Must Burn)


Dean absolutely cannot believe what he has witnessed this evening. Ginny Weasley - his former girlfriend, kissed Harry Potter in front of everyone in the Common Room without so much as a thought about him or his feelings. Seamus does not seem to care either, because all he rambles is about Lavender these days.

Is nothing sacred in these testing times?

The scene plays in his mind over and again as he strolls through the semi-darkness of an abandoned corridor. Harry had just been standing in the middle of the crowd and then Ginny, in all her redheaded, flaming glory had stepped out from the edges and kissed him hard on the lips. Harry had not responded at first, but then, within a few moments his hands had come to rest on the siren's waist.

Yes, a siren. That is what she is - a deadly siren, with a lithe and curvaceous body and chocolate eyes that could make any man a mere slave of hers.

There had been a flash of a camera, after which the two had pulled apart. She had given Harry a very beautiful smile - a smile which had only been reserved for him until two months earlier. It feels so long ago, the two of them roaming through Hogsmeade, hands clasped together and heads resting lightly against each other's. He does not know where it went wrong. What crime has he committed to suffer this sheer injustice?

Dean does not realise when he stops walking and when his arms come to rest on a window sill on their own accord. His eyes gaze upon the twilight scenery before him and he sighs. His hands clutch his forehead as a cool summer wind dances around his body. His back bends down like that of a broken doll.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" a broken but sharp voice cuts through the dark.

He is disoriented for a few seconds before he makes out someone standing by a window some feet away from him. Footsteps in that direction make him see that it is Colin Creevey. And he is holding a bottle of what-is-definitely-firewhiskey in one hand and a half-filled glass in the other.

For more than a minute, Dean remains dumbstruck as if he has seen a ghost. The sight is unnerving. Yes, a lot of the students call this boy insane (even he is guilty of it) for his antics and excessive fascination with the Boy Who Lived, but clearly, all of them do not know about the deepness of his insanity. Questions are whizzing through his head.

Whoever drinks firewhiskey in a corridor where any passing professor or student could spot them? Whoever sneaks the stuff into the School in the first place? Most people get it over with a glass or two at the Hog's Head. Whoever drinks a firewhiskey this strong? The mere smell is making him recoil back. He is sure the stuff is not even sold anywhere near Hogwarts.

The younger boy chuckles noiselessly as he re-fills his glass and holds it out, offering it to him. In the moonlight, his eyes are wild and crazy. They are practically glinting and the dark circles underneath them are somewhat frightening.

"Oh come on, Thomas, live a little! Nothing fixes heartbreak like a little liquor. You know it!"

For a small, small moment, Dean is surprised at not being able to detect even a single trace of slur in his voice since he has chugged down half a bottle, but then quite suddenly, irrational red hot anger from nowhere washes over him like a huge tidal wave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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