Atul :- Hahahahaha...
U will file a case against Sir..
OMG... U oldie file a case...
Why u want to kill urself from SM Sir???
Listen Mr.Gadodia if u file a against Sir then u urself
Dug Your Grave 😠

Skekhar :- U cant blackmail me like this...
Wait i will call Police Commissioner...

Atul :- Yesh Yesh Please Call..
(Said laughingly)

Shekhar become confuse seeing him laughing but she shrug his thoughts and call the commissioner and tell him what happen....
He smirk listening commissioner and look towards Atul who is calmly drinking Orange Juice 😌😂

Seeing him like this Shekhar make  faces...

At MM ,

Ladies are sitting and chatting with each other when Ragini get a call...
She pick up the call the went little far and start talking listening OS Ragini face colour become change her face become pale she start sweating her whole body is shivering with Fear....

Fear but Y???
For Whom???

After listening the Call she come towards Ap with scared face and asking permission to go baadi while Sujata and Swara is observing her face and look each other with confuse face but later start giggling seeing her Face..

While Uttara is in her own world and thinking something woth Blush smile...

After getting permission from Ap Ragini went out with same scared Face...

After sometime Ragini reach in a deserted place with scary place and stary searching here and there when someone place hand on her shoulder she immediately turn with fear in her eyes and scaredness in her face...

As she turn that time person place handkerchief on her mouth...
Due to the cluoroform Ragini become unconscious making person Smirk...

That Person Pick her in his Arms when someone click their pic and come towards them with Smrik...

They place her on car and drove from there...

At Shekhar Side ,

Soon Police officers come he run towards them and tell them everything happen with him with crying face 😑

He take them towards himself where Atul is sitting on bench Eating Biryani 😂
Making Shekhat roll his eyes and staring him Angrily..

Shekhar (in mind) :- Huhhhh... Hungry Man...
He is eating like this he did not eat from Many Days 😠

Atul :- I hear Mr.Gadadia 😌

Making Shekhar  shocked...

As Soon As Atul lift his head Police Commission become shocked seeing him...

PC :- Arey Atul Sir Ap???
Any Work???
Is someone said something???

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