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it started with a bang.

there was a bump and what sounded like metal hitting concrete. the blonde-haired girl sat up in her seat, confused. she turned around to prod her brother in the row of seats behind her, because maybe he knew what was happening.

"did you hear that?" she hissed.

"hear what? the incredibly loud sound of something smashing into the plane? no, i didn't hear that." her brother responded sardonically, "but i don't know what's going on. wake up alex and ask her."

she leaned over and shook her friend's shoulder until her eyes flew open. "jesus, jenna, what is the matter with you?"

"something just crashed into the plane, or at least declan said so," jenna said.

alex rolled her eyes, still wiping the last looks of sleep from her face before pushing her deep russet-colored hair back. "that's ridiculous, what could've hit the plane? you're imagining things—"


the plane shook again; jenna nearly toppled out of her seat. "i told you, alex, you idiot—"

the plane, still shaking, dropped about 200 feet through the air; they all flew out of their seats as the aircraft struggled to remain in the sky.

"i'm going to talk to the pilot!" jenna exclaimed as she got to her feet, sprinting down to the cockpit as fast as the heeled mary-janes would carry her.

she flung the door open and shock hit her like a slap to the face: the pilots were suiting up to eject from the plane, pulling parachutes over their shoulders and kicking off unnecessary and restraining garments. two words crossed her mind at once: abandon ship.

"what the fuck are you doing?" she cried. "the plane's going down! you're the pilot, what are we supposed to do?!"

the pilot shrugged. "not our problem, kid,"

jenna let out of a shriek of rage and stormed from the cockpit, the most unladylike of swears flying from her mouth as she struggled to think of something to save their lives.

"the plane's going down," she explained to alex and declan, fighting to stop her voice steady as the plane dropped another hundred feet. her hands were shaking like mad and and she could see the fear in their faces but she kept strong — she was always the leader in situations like this. it was time to act like one.

"we need to crouch down, away from the windows, and cover your head with your hands, guys, come on," jenna said quickly. they followed her instructions, the three of them sitting back-to-back-to-back on the floor in the middle of the aisle, arms protecting faces and heads covered by hands.

there was another bang and alex let out a whimper of fear as the plane shook from the impact. "it's gonna be okay, just—" declan whispered to the two younger girls, "just try to be calm."

jenna screwed her eyes shut as the plane dropped again, and she began to see stars as the plane was hit yet again, began to roll, and began to freefall from the sky. she heard alex start to scream, felt declan's hand on her arm, and then nothing else — in less than three seconds the blonde had lost consciousness, and soon after the plane was nothing more than a scrap of metal.

the plane be like

she's meditating

she's died


ISLAND IN THE SUN ➳ LORD OF THE FLIESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang