Chapter 17

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A/N: Yes it's short and I am truly sorry but I wanted it to end where it did and it's getting late for a school night - even though, much like Rylie, I don't sleep either - so I'm leaving it here and giving it to you anyway! I kind of have a busy Thursday, Friday and weekend ahead of me so I am sorry but probably no uploading, unless I feel super nice and am super motivated. But probably not! I will try to upload by Monday so keep an eye out for the notification. So yeah... Enjoy readers! x


It's official, I'm going to kill him.

After that little incident in our Media classroom he literally ran away as fast as he could, dissapearing before I got the chance to yell at him or kick him in the nuts. 

I had gone to my locker, got my bag and drove home with Kye nervously tapping his fingers on the dashboard in the passenger seat. Dad had told Charlie and Kye last night that our mother was there - as Kye informed me - but wouldn't say anything else without me. 

To say the least we were not looking forward to this conversation.

And among all of that, Max had just freaking kissed me! He had no right to kiss me in the middle of our freaking media classroom, nor did he have the right to do anything he did today actually. 

That boy was going to drive me insane.

I slowly pulled into the driveway and looked at Kye for reassurance. He gave me his best reassuring smile but it wasn't very convincing. Oh well. He tried. 

We got out of the car like every other day and walked to the kitchen to find Charlie and Dad already there. 

We always had important family discussions at the counter. 

As well as every meal. And card games. And board games. And basically anything else, actually. 

Kye and I sat down beside Charlie on our side of the bench, while Dad stood up and started to pace the length of the kitchen with a hand on his forehead. 

No one said anything for what felt like hours, until finally Dad took a deep breath and let it all out. "Okay, so as you know your mother came back yesterday in hope of seeing the three of you and believe it or not, she actually wanted to patch things up with me."

My mouth popped open. 

Um, what??

That made the least sense I had ever heard. I mean, of course my Dad had been the one to break it off after he caught her insulting the three of us in turn, but she was fine with it. She just packed up and left without so much as a look over her shoulder. 

And for that we were all appreciative. We could just get up and move on with our lives. 

"You're joking, right?" Charlie asked, shock written all over her face, as if in permanent marker. 

Dad shook his head. "No, I'm not. But really kids, I'm not stupid."

As an outsider I think Kye, Charlie and I would look exactly the same; all with our slightly shaking heads and our jaws dropped to the counter top. 

 "Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that she was in town and wanted to have dinner with her children." 

I immediately shook my head and Charlie actually screamed "NO!"

Dad held his hands up, the universal sign of surrender. "I'm not saying you have to. There are things your mother would like to talk to you all about but I am not going to force any of you to go. If you want to, it's tomorrow night at Benvolio's at 7pm," he explained, looking as stressed as we all felt. 

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