"I'll wait here." She responded.

I went into the bathroom to change. Once I was done, I check myself with the giant mirror beside the sink.

I love the clothes, I look so damn good.

I came out of the bathroom. Minji looked at me with a surprise look.

"Didn't think it was gonna look that nice on you." She said.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

Then Hye Na came in.

"Ready for your makeup and hair?" She asked.

I nodded.

I sat in the seat. While she was doing my makeup I was falling asleep. I did stay awake, fortunately.

She made my hair curly a little bit at the ends of my hair. She also made my makeup look really pretty. I was finally ready for the photoshoot.

We all headed out of the room and into the main studio where they were taking pictures.

I spotted Yoongi staring at me, I quickly glanced at him and looked down, looking like I didn't see him.

Is he checking me out?

"Good luck, Kyung." Minji said.


Minji and I kept talking until the manager came up to me.

"You're up first, Kyung. Be ready in 2 minutes." He said.

"Okay." I replied.

A couple minutes later the manager said,

"Places everyone!"

"Kyung, I'll be watching you from the sidelines!" Minji said.

"Okay, just don't go crazy." I said.

I smiled and waved a little at her before heading up to the set.

"So you're gonna sit down on the floor against the white background, and look up to the moon on your left." The cameraman said.

"Okay." I replied.

The background was white as the cameraman said, but it had a little bit of design, like the moon on the top left corner. It was pretty.

I started posing like they told me to.

All of the compliments came back again.


"You are amazing!"

"You look so perfect!"

I felt myself falling asleep slowly. I blinked my eyes a few times to keep me from falling asleep.

"Break!" The manager said.

Once the manager said that, I fall over to my side.

I can't get up. I'm too tired to move.. I have to try to move a little at least.

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