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I wake up to birds chirping and bees buzzing. With my eyes closed, i managed to get my phone from the side table. Urgh..it's 10:30 already. In these parts waking up at eight in the morning onwards is considered late. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I changed into a pair of shorts and white loose shirt. I went downstairs for the kitchen. Manang Lydia is nowhere in sight as well as Manong Toto. I opened the fridge and took some eggs and hotdogs. While i was cooking, "Morning sleepyhead!" I turned and found him sitting on one of the chairs. I didn't respond to him. I am still fuming mad from yesterday. I placed the fried eggs and hotdogs on the table and started eating. I didn't look his way for fear of meeting his eyes. I could feel him staring at me. "Just want you to know that Manang Lydia and Manong Toto went to buy grocery for you." He said. I glared at him. "Hey, no need to get angry. Everything will pass once you've eaten." He laughed. He really is trying on my patience. Is he really here just to pester me? "Don't you have anything better to do?" I told him. "I do have, actually. I'm just dropping by to wish you a good day." He said and started to stand up. "By the way, i'm Sam. I didn't got the chance to introduce myself, and i know your name is Anya." He said and went out. He's really getting into my nerves.

I went out and grabbed my phone with the earphone attached to it, a small basket and my ball cap. I decided to go walking down the beach than wait around the house for Manang Lydia. I love walking along sand dunes, with my bare feet. I love the feeling of the still wet sand under my feet and picked up seashells along the way. 


I saw her walking down the beach. She's pretty i'll admit to that. When i saw her from the doorway cooking inside the kitchen, i got the chance to finally look her up close. She had long wavy hair and soft skin. I noticed that she gets prettier when she gets angry because her cheeks turned pink. Her lashes are extraordinarily long. I wonder if she's more prettier if she smiles. Whatever! Why do i have this thoughts anyway? It's been awhile since Karen left me and i don't ever want to go that way again. Too much hurt and it's difficult to deal and get over with. Suddenly i saw her dance. Hmmm not bad. I could not hear what she's singing but i could see that she's having the time of her life. She may be thinking that no one's gonna see her. I got my phone from my pocket and started to record a video of her. 


When i hear Pharrell's Happy, i couldn't help but dance and sing along. This song never failed to lift up my mood. I leaned down and picked up a type of shell, a Golden Olive. "Hey you...don't stop dancing." I turned and found Sam barefoot, his hands on his pockets. Why does he always tend to destroy a perfectly restored good mood? Go away please! "Are you stalking me? Why are you here?" I asked perfectly annoyed. "It's not my fault that you came walking down here. Your house is  there and i live over there." He said pointing to a white house with a terrace overlooking the beach, directly in front of us. "Well, you don't own the house." I said. "Is that so?" He replied grinning at me. "Go do gardening or something." I told him as i turn and started walking back to the house. He grabbed my hand and pulled a bit hard that causes me to trip and fall. But instead of falling on the sand, i fall right at him. "Uhg! Too heavy!" He muttered. Hmp! Good for him. I hastily stood up and stomped on my way back to the house. I could hear him laughing behind me. That jerk!

"Anya! Your mom called early this morning and sent me your allowance and money for grocery so you won't have to eat vegetables everyday hija. I know you don't like vegetables so much." Manang Lydia said as i entered the house. "Yes, but you still need your veggies you know." Manong Toto joined in. "Are they planning to join me here?" I asked. "I don't know hija. But i think by the end of summer." Manang Lydia replied. "Manang, why is that boy always around?" I suddenly asked before i could stop myself. Manang Lydia smiled at me and said, "well, he obviously likes gardening especially vegetables and i guess he's lonely for company." "Doesn't he have much to do at that big house over there?" I asked, as i started to arrange the groceries. "I guess not, he said that the landscaping of the house doesn't leave a room for a vegetable garden." Manang said. "Anya!" That voice seemed familiar, Jigs! I turned to see Jigs and Darla, my childhood friends. "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming!"Darla said, and she began to hug me. "I just arrived yesterday and i was planning to drop by at your house today." I told her. "An, you are just in luck." Darla said and i look up at Jigs who rolled his eyes and shrugged. I couldn't help but grinned at him. "Why?" I asked her. "The son of the owners of that house came two weeks ago and An he is so damn cute!" Darla said, gushing. "Uh-huh. So? I haven't seen him around." I told her. "Really?Well, look out for him. I think he's here to heal a broken heart. Sandra informed me that they are from the same school." Darla expalined. "Anyway, there's this fair coming on next week. Mom and i are planning to sell her  homemade cookies and  peanut butter there." "Oh maybe i could help!" I told her. "Yeah and maybe all the guys will be buying from us because of you." Jigs said. I slapped his arm lightly. I asked them to go inside the living room to continue our chit-chat there. We planned to go swimming the next day.

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