chapter 3

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Your pov
The next day...

I walked to my closet picking out an outfit for my 2nd day of school. (Outfit below)

"Hey not to bad" I said looking in the mirror,"Makeup or no makeup today hmm

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"Hey not to bad" I said looking in the mirror,
"Makeup or no makeup today hmm.. no makeup"

I ran down the stairs into the kitchen seeing breakfast already on the table
"Good morning" I said with a smile
"Good morning y/n don't you look lovely today" my mom said
"Good morning kiddo"
I smiled then rolled my eyes playfully

-skip to after breakfast-

"Okay thank you for breakfast I need to get going, I'll just run upstairs brush my teeth and grab my bag and I'll be out"
"Alright honey" my mom said
I ran up the stairs

Moms pov

"When are you going to tell her" I said to Hal
"Tell her what"
"That we're getting a divorce Hal"
"I don't know your the one who wants it" he said flipping through the newspaper
"Yeah but she's your daughter"
"She's your too"
"That's where your wrong, she isn't my blood"
"Alright I'll tell her later when she gets back"
"You better"
"Yeah yeah"

I wish I could tell y/n my self but it's hurt to much, after all I raised her since she was a baby.

Back to your pov

"Bye mom, bye dad" I yelled when walking out the door
"Bye" they said yelling from the kitchen

-skip drive to school-

I walked into school making my way to my locker. I opened it grabbing my books and notebooks for my first class, shutting my locker , there stood Ethan
"Hey cupcake"
"God Ethan"
"You scared the living shit out of me"
"Hahaha didn't expect to see me so early"
"I honestly haven't thought about you this morning"
"Well that's not good"
"Yeah whatever"
"We still on for tonight"
"Wait tonight"
"Yeah oh shit I forgot to tell you yesterday didn't I"
"Well can you do tonight?"
"Yeah totally"
"Let me get your # and I'll text you later"
"Ok then"
- we exchanged numbers-
"Okay bye Ethan"
"Bye y/n"

Ethan's pov

We only had a couple of minutes till the bell rang for first period so I found this a good way to speak to Grayson. I walked up to him at his locker
"Guess who just scored a date for tonight"
"Aw man who's the girl"
"Wait what y/n"
"Um yeah"
Grayson cleared his throat
"Uh so where are you guys going tonight?"
"We're just going out for pizza"
"Oh ok man"
"Is there some sort of problem?"
"No no man it's all good"
"Ok then I'll see you at lunch"
"Alright bye"

Geesh why did gray act so weird when I told him?
Maybe it's just cause he hasn't gone on a date in a while I don't know whatever

Grayson's pov..

As soon as Ethan told me he got a date with
y/n I didn't know how to react, I've liked y/n for a while now but not as much. But still it made me a little mad and jealous that Ethan was the one taking y/n out. But then again I shouldn't of just did it myself

-ring ring-
Oh well there's the bell

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