Five days of Dates ( chapter 35)

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Hey guys! I hope y'all are enjoying summer break!! Sorry this took a while! Anyways let me know what you think! 💕

" my first tour !my first tour !my first tour !my first tour! my first tour!" Austin cheered jumping on the bed

" oh God" Ally groaned

" in 5 more days to be exact!" He said

Ally sits up and rubs her tired face " I'm thrilled for you.. but please, it's really early"

" a little more enthusiasm I finally made it, aren't you proud of me?" He asked now sitting

" of course I'm proud of you, but right now it's.... 7:30 am Saturday and I just wanna sleep in it's my day off.. so" she said

" that's not enthusiastic.." he pouted

"Uh YAY YOU'RE GOING ON TOUR WOO HOO!" She cheered " better?"

" so much." He smiled " anyways we have like under a week left until I leave.. I'm still a little bummed out you can't come.. it's my first tour and I wanna see my little muse in the crowd"

" I know.. You know I would if I could." She said " but hey 3 months isn't that hard right? We spent five years apart 3 months should be easy"

" Yea.. but.. I'm just gonna miss you" He said

She smiled " I'll miss you too! Unless you do something stupid causing us to break up again."

" not funny" he said seriously

" I'm kidding." She said " come here"

She pulls him in for a hug

" I have an idea" she said she pulled away

" you're coming on tour?" He asked

" no" she chuckled " since you have five days left until you leave, I was thinking we should have five days of dates.."

" really? we haven't been on a date in months.." he brought up

" exactly.. so each day I'll take you on a date" she said

" is it gonna be boring art stuff"he asked

" no asshole, but since you brought it up.." she said

" hey"

" don't worry it will be so much fun, and I'll even do the things you like" She said

" this is interesting I usually surprise you with dates and now you're doing them for me, i like this" he said

" tomorrow night will be our first date" she smiled

" hmmm.." he wondered

" what?" She asked

" you gotta ask me out, you can't be like I'm taking you on a date.." Austin said

Ally rolls her eyes

Austin lies back on to the bad and smiled at her

" be sweet about it too."

" Austin.. will you go out with me tomorrow night" she sighed annoyingly

" nah" he said " you can do better than that"

She ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath

" Sooo" she smiled she took her two fingers and walked it up his chest " you're kinda cute, and I'm kinda cute too soo Austin.. would you go on a date with me please?"

" sure, only because I feel bad that you ask people out terribly.. and I like it better when you subconsciously flirt with me" he smiled

" hey! I can so flirt consciously! Here's me telling you that I consciously think you're hot and.."

Fools who Rush In 2 (Austin and Ally ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora