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"I'M TELLING YOU, Jelaynie, there's something about him!" Bricole says, throwing her hands in the midst of the air.

"Of course there's something about the boy; if there wasn't, he wouldn't be there," Jelaynie sips a swallow of her green, unsweetened tea.

Bricole and Jelaynie was Bricole's apartment, talking about what had happened yesterday with Bricole at the laboratory.

"No, Jelaynie, you don't understand. He doesn't seem to belong there. He's not a creature. He looks like us..." Bricole trails off, taking a sip from her aloe vera juice.

"What're you saying, Bricole? That he might be a human? Didn't you tell me when you'd touch the glass, he could feel your presence or something?" Jelaynie asked, trying to make out the logic.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you."

"Seems like the boy is superhuman. No ordinary human would feel a person through a border of glass that's a mirror to them on the inside," said Jelaynie.

"That's why he's special. When I would put my hand on the glass, he would immediately know that I came to visit. Then he would place his own hand exactly where mine were," Bricole sighs, "seconds later I would feel this burning sensation in the middle of my chest-"

"What-no, Bricole! That's horrible! What if he's the devil's child or something because of that?!" Jelaynie panicked as she slams her cup of tea onto the coffee table.

"...You have a point," Bricole pierced her lips, "which could be a wrong one."

Jelaynie cut her eyes at Bricole, giving her a snarl, "You want to get yourself into something you can't handle? Like the boy?"

Bricole sighed in frustration. She only didn't know why the boy intrigued her so much. Something made her want to help him, but what could she do? She's just a janitor!

"If fate calls for it, I will."

Today was the day Bricole began doing her cleaning shifts alone. She had learned the routine from Carol and now she was ready to clean by herself.

Looking at her schedule, she had many rooms and cells to attend to before the day was over. Her eyes enlarged in excitement when she found out she had the boy's cell.

She went throughout her day, room by room, cleaning what needed to be cleaned. She had noticed the place collected great amount of dust overnight. That figures why there's many janitors that's applied there.

Finally the time has come to straighten his cell. She grips the cart, strolling down the halls as she makes her way down to his room. The door was cracked, she frowned. Why was his door always opened? When she'd looked in, she quietly gasps.

Tears threaten to break its barrier as she looked at the scenery before her. The boy was strapped to a all white seat as if he was about to have an lethal injection for a death row penalty. His inward elbows was punctured by needles, so were his neck. His hands were captivated by metal gloves.

His head was down, weakly, as the scientists sucked blood from the needles into tubes. As she watched closely, she seen a tear of gold drop from his eyes onto his lap. Gold? Though, it was dim in the room, the tear shined as it dropped.

She placed her hand om her heart as she continued to watch the poor fellow. What Bricole didn't know is that he held up a fight before giving up. The scientists had injected him with a serum, which made his muscles tense and useless.

She accidentally let out a sob she held in her throat. He opens his eyes and looks ahead as if he was the only one who heard her. Tears of gold continues to stroll down his face as the blue in his eyes took over the red and grey highlight, apparent to Bricole's glasses she worn.

"Oh my goodness," she held her hand over her mouth.

"Hey! You can't be in here just yet, ma'am!" one of the scientists yelled. Bricole backed away from the door, alarmed. She closes the door, reminiscing his face of sadness. She looked to her right, seeing the bookshelf. Quickly, she looks through them, trying to find a book to pick wisely.

"A-about species 17N9I78S, what they need for survival, how to care for them, what they eat, emotions, p-powers," Bricole's hand was shaking as she continues to ramble with the books. She decided to take the first book she seen, 'About Species.'

She steals the book, stuffing it into the cart before attending to the next room.


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