He laughed and stepped down from his throne and shrunk to human size.

“Two very simple questions also with two simple answers,”

And he turned and looked at me expectantly.

“Walk with me, Raze, if that is what you wish me to call you,”

I shrugged and followed him.

The hall folded in on itself and transformed into a small scale replica of a very familiar view.

“Is that Earth?” I asked in wonder.

The man ignored my question and walked around to the other side of the model Earth.  

“I have seen many things over my very long existence son of Poseidon, but nothing as interesting as you.  You have defied logic and reason and you have never failed in what you believed was right.”

I gritted my teeth at the mention of my birth parent, but did not argue with what he said.  I had no idea who he was but I could tell he was powerful, stronger than even I was.

“I am Chaos,” he said casually, keeping his eyes on me to watch my reaction

My jaw dropped and quickly knelt down.

Then I thought about it for a second.

And stood back up.

Chaos looked at me questionably, “Why do you not continue to bow,” he asked somewhat amused.

“Well first off,” I counted with my fingers, “Three of your daughters tried to kill me and one of your sons as well.  I’m assuming you brought me here to die for stopping your daughter and for the role I played in the Great Prophecy that stopped your grandson Kronos from taking over Olympus.”

Chaos chuckled,

 “All very good points, but you didn’t take into consideration that I could have helped to guide you through your challenges? I chose you for a greater purpose.”

“And what was that purpose?  To fight in two wars, lose my closest friends and be betrayed by the one I loved?  Where were you helping me then?” I shout at him, completely disregarding his status.

He just ignored me.

“Those were not what you were born to do, not what you were born to be.  Those wars were only a rough draft for what will happen.  Son of the Rivers, there is a new war coming, a war that will tear the cosmos apart.”

“And you will be in the middle of it,”

“Why me?  Why can I not have a break? I saved the world multiple times, lets someone else do it!” I said exasperated.

“You and I both know there is no one else worthy or strong enough to carry that burden, it will be you and only has ever been you,” Chaos spoke with pity but also pride in his voice.

“And this is why I believe you deserve a gift,”

“What kind of gift?  If you are offering more power I will not accept it,” I said stubbornly.

Chaos simply waved his hand and shadows seemed to reach towards him.  With a sudden flash of light that caused me to turn away, I was shocked by what hovered in his hand.

It was a scythe.

It was nothing like Kronos’ scythe, which was golden.

This scythe had a pitch black handle with gold etching built into the shaft forming an intricate pattern.  The blade was a dark metal, so dark it didn’t appear to have a solid form.

Son of the Rivers (Wattys 2015 Entry)Where stories live. Discover now